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[Q] Easiest way to change system font?


Android Enthusiast
Jul 20, 2010
I know about Type Fresh, but it hasn't been updated in a little less than a year, and from what I've found it's caused certain issues (like boot loops) with CM7, and I don't really want to reflash my ROM just because of a font. >.>
I also found a couple of tutorials, but I'm skeptical about them since their pretty outdated too, and I'm not sure if anything has changed that would affect changing the system font since those tutorials.
Just looking for a bit of input pretty much on the best way to go about doing this, I'm using a Droid Eris on 2.3 for reference purposes.
Hi, I'm actually the dev for Type Fresh. The methods for changing fonts hasn't changed for a long time, so don't worry about guides being out of date. But about your fear of boot loops, you'll always have a chance of that. As in the warning on my app, if the Android system itself doesn't like your font, it will boot loop. For some reason Android will not support ALL TrueType fonts, but most do work. I'm working on an update to Type Fresh and a companion font viewer to help you tell whether a font will work or not. I'm not sure on an ETA, though. I suggest you give Type Fresh a try, but make a Nandroid backup beforehand.
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Hi, I'm actually the dev for Type Fresh. The methods for changing fonts hasn't changed for a long time, so don't worry about guides being out of date. But about your fear of boot loops, you'll always have a chance of that. As in the warning on my app, if the Android system itself doesn't like your font, it will boot loop. For some reason Android will not support ALL TrueType fonts, but most do work. I'm working on an update to Type Fresh and a companion font viewer to help you tell whether a font will work or not. I'm not sure on an ETA, though. I suggest you give Type Fresh a try, but make a Nandroid backup beforehand.

Just to clarify, I'm not trying to be rude when I say this, so hopefully it doesn't come across as rude.
To be completely honest, I'm a little skeptical. It just seems odd that the dev would magically happen to see my post, and sign up just to answer my "question" (not really a question, though I can't think of a better word). Again, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just a very skeptic person.
Hopefully that makes sense, I'm running on a pretty small amount of sleep right now. >.>
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Just to clarify, I'm not trying to be rude when I say this, so hopefully it doesn't come across as rude.
To be completely honest, I'm a little skeptical. It just seems odd that the dev would magically happen to see my post, and sign up just to answer my "question" (not really a question, though I can't think of a better word). Again, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just a very skeptic person.
Hopefully that makes sense, I'm running on a pretty small amount of sleep right now. >.>

Hahaha! It's totally believable! I have a Google Alert set up to tell me when "Type Fresh" is mentioned online. You can see my post on the XDA forum also.
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Hahaha! It's totally believable! I have a Google Alert set up to tell me when "Type Fresh" is mentioned online. You can see my post on the XDA forum also.

Well that certainly made me seem foolish. :p
Now a quick question, on the market app page it says
"Requires AndExplorer for file selection".
Is that the only file explorer compatible with Type Fresh, or do others such as Estrong's, Astro, etc work as well?
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Well that certainly made me seem foolish. :p
Now a quick question, on the market app page it says
"Requires AndExplorer for file selection".
Is that the only file explorer compatible with Type Fresh, or do others such as Estrong's, Astro, etc work as well?

Right now it's only AndExplorer. I'm working on it right now to add support for other file managers.
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