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Help Random shutdowns


Android Enthusiast
Jan 15, 2011
Warrenton, Va
I've been experiencing random shutdowns usually while playing a game. Osmos, Where's my Water, Shadowgun and now Dark Meadow.
There is and audible click that comes from the speaker and my Prime dies. I have to reboot. I've not played many games since .21 update so I'm not sure if it's a software issue or not. Anyone else experienced this?
I've done a reset using the reset switch and a cold boot by holding the power and volume buttons at the same time.
My hope is the next update fixes this as I don't want to RMA.
Thanks - did that as mentioned above. Also the cold boot. I'll probably PM Gary Key on XDA and let him know. I posted over there as well with 99 views and no replys. I might do a factory reset and see if that helps I just don't want to go through reinstalling everything. I really need to root to get a recovery on this thing but since I'm on .21 and there is no root for it yet I'm kind screwed at this point. It may just be an app in the background. I'm going to go through and uninstall a lot of apps that I downloaded to check out but ended up not using. I really don't want to RMA and hope is just software not hardware.
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