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Root Remove time from notification bar?


Android Enthusiast
I'm looking for a way to remove the clock from the notification bar. I like using really good clock widgets and I don't really want the time in the right hand corner also. It's not really a big deal but I think it would be a little more clean looking and just pretty cool.
I'm looking for a way to remove the clock from the notification bar. I like using really good clock widgets and I don't really want the time in the right hand corner also. It's not really a big deal but I think it would be a little more clean looking and just pretty cool.

On velocity 4 you can change to black with savoxis color addon script to make itblend in. Ill try it now and see how it looks.
It makes it blend so you cant see the time at all.

That would look better but I want to remove it completely. It also makes more room for notifications. I saw where Salvador one of the moderators did this for his phone. I forgot what device he has though.
It's been done for the Droid X here, and a mod said that it could easily be modified for the Ally...I would do it if I knew how. I guess we just hope a dev or someone with some kind of mod skill comes along and see's this.
1. Root
2. Download busybox
3. Install
4. Download metamorph
5. Search "change notification font color" (sorry for not posting link, im on a phone) [the post is on like droidforums or droidlife]
6. Download the .zip file from there and follow the instructions

Im being a little non-specific, i dont remeber the exact post, but it gives you the ability to change the font/color of the text in the notification bar and panel.
Thanks DJ, but I think what you are referring to will have a result similar to those posted in the above screenshots. That's not what we're looking for, we want the battery and signal stuff to move over and generally replace the clock that's there.
Thanks DJ, but I think what you are referring to will have a result similar to those posted in the above screenshots. That's not what we're looking for, we want the battery and signal stuff to move over and generally replace the clock that's there.

Exactly! With the clock removed completely, it frees up a lot of room for notifications, and also allows the notification bar to show way more icons for apps that are running. And it gives a much cleaner look if you have a good clock on your homescreen. And also thank you DJAlmix for the effort.
If any decent devs would come across this thread and take a gander, maybe one of them could mod the file I referenced a few posts back to make it work for the Ally. I'd do it myself, but I don't know the first thing about development.
All this zip does is replace the services.jar file. I'm not confident that this services.jar would work on the ally (pretty sure it wouldn't) and the only file in that zip is the classes.dex, which is compiled. Without decompiling it, there's not much to do. Maybe decompiling this would reveal obvious changes they made, but I'm skeptical. If I get some extra time I'll look into it.

Also this has a script to delete all .odex files... this seems like a bad idea without knowing if the corresponding apps still need them or not (de-odexing is not the same as simply deleting all the odex files...)

EDIT: Decompiled, and there's so many files I don't know where to begin. I checked ones that have obvious names, but nothing popped out to me when scanning them.
I will get with Salvador and see what he changed in his files. We need to find out if files were modified or Just removed. Once I have this info I'll see if I can compile a zip that can be flashed to achieve this.
After extensive research, I'v found that to remove the clock, one must modify the Services.jar.
I found a "tutorial" of sorts on XDA, it's for the EVO 4g though, so I don't know if the same methods will apply for the Ally
xda-developers - View Single Post - [HOW-TO] Hide various Icons from the Status Bar
^^link to post 3 where the clock info is^^
[HOW-TO] Hide various Icons from the Status Bar - xda-developers
^^Link to entire thread^^
The problem is, how to decompile services.jar with smali/baksmali

Edit: I've found another tutorial, this is on how to change the color. I'm thinking with the method to access the service.jar in this one plus the info in the first link, there might be a workable method here....
I'll play around with it and see what I can come up with. If I discover something awesome, I'll write up a tutorial, or try to compile a .zip that can just be flashed in. :)
I have looked into this in the past, If I get a minute I will try again.

I believe this is a Froyo-Only mod
Savoxis, you may be correct. I tried all the methods I have posted above, plus a few others that I've found, to no avail. Every time I make any changes and reboot, it acts as if I haven't done anything at all. I spent over six hours on this (consecutively, not to mention the other hours in between)...got nothing. Sorry guys, wish I could have gotten something for you.
I've gotten this to work, actually. This services.jar was built from the zvb rooted and deodexed ROM that was posted around here when it was current. I decompiled it using baksmali, made the change outlined in AndroidKris's post above, and recompiled into a classes.dex, which I used to replace the previous file in services.jar. Pushing it to the old location on a running zvb system worked like a charm.

Let me know if this works on zvc or whatever you're running... if not, you'll have to grab your services.jar and i'll edit it in the same way i did this one.

oh, heres the file:

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

Download and put in /system/framework/, replacing the old file (make a backup!).
Instructions, overview (only for deodex'd roms):

baksmali services.jar

edit out/com/android/server/status/StatusBarPolicy.smali

under zvb, the place to make the change looks like this:
    .line 485
    invoke-direct {p0}, Lcom/android/server/status/StatusBarPolicy;->updateClock()V
in other roms, the number after .line may change, but it will be the one in the 4-500 range.

Add this line immediately after the lines above:
invoke-virtual {p2, v3, v6}, Lcom/android/server/status/StatusBarService;->setIconVisibility(Landroid/os/IBinder;Z)V

Save this file.

smali out/

replace services.jar's classes.dex with this new out.dex

That's it. Flash and (probably) wipe dalvik-cache.
Making Flashable ZIP now.

Update1: Done, will make one for various roms. but i need darkxsun to provide me with the exact directions he did.

Download here: http://goo.gl/4jj3X


This is a signed package. Flash via recovery. If you get errors when trying to flash flash let me know.

Syntax error in update script.
velocity 0.4
Aloha 1.2.5
Syntax error in update script.
velocity 0.4
Aloha 1.2.5

Very strange. It's only 3 lines, and they all look fine based on my experience writing update scripts for clockwork. I'm sure the syntax is the same.

Could it be that not having a newline at the end is making it choke? Seems incredibly unlikely but I don't see anything else wrong at all.
I tried it twice. I'm going to DL again and try again.

Redownloaded, this time to PC xfered to SD card. This is what happenned all 3x i just tried to install it:
INstall from SD card
Finding ....
E:Syntax error in update script
Installation aborted
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