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Samsung Vibrant System Update (Not 2.2) Released [OTA Discussion]


Ok, so I may be leaving the USA soon. I plan on unlocking my phone and going out of the country with it. I don't know how long I may be gone.......maybe years, so here are a few questions.

1. I plan on going South Africa. According to this site, both the phone and 3g should work perfectly right?

GSM World Coverage Map- GSM Country List by frequency bands

2. I have seen an app to unlock the Vibrant. It is by DaGentooBoy from XDA. Its called Samsung Galxy S Unlock. Would it be better for me to use this app or to just request T-Mobile to give me the unlock code. Are there any pros or cons for using either method.

3. If the OTA update or Froyo don't come out before I am gone, will I be able to get an OTA over wifi while I am in South Africa. Just to clarify, I will be using a local sim over there. I will discontinue from tmobile when I leave the US

I know nothing of rooting. This is my first smartphone, so if possible I would be hesitant of doing any updates via the computer that requires me to loose all my info. I have too many apps and saved games and settings to download again so its just a scary thought of loosing it all.

4. Will google navigation work overseas. I have heard people say yes and no. I am hesitant to buy apps like co-pilot as they cost a lot and have mixed reviews, so I wanted to find out about this.

Any help would be appreciated
I will attempt to answer two of your questions.

2. I have seen an app to unlock the Vibrant. It is by DaGentooBoy from XDA. Its called Samsung Galxy S Unlock. Would it be better for me to use this app or to just request T-Mobile to give me the unlock code. Are there any pros or cons for using either method.

The app will work fine.

3. If the OTA update or Froyo don't come out before I am gone, will I be able to get an OTA over wifi while I am in South Africa. Just to clarify, I will be using a local sim over there. I will discontinue from tmobile when I leave the US

I'm not entirely sure but I believe the update has to be pushed out from tmobile, so I'm going to go ahead and say that you will not be able to get the update.
2. I have seen an app to unlock the Vibrant. It is by DaGentooBoy from XDA. Its called Samsung Galxy S Unlock. Would it be better for me to use this app or to just request T-Mobile to give me the unlock code. Are there any pros or cons for using either method.

Just get the unlock code from T-Mobile, if you have been with them at least 40 days, they give it to you. They are super fast with the Vibrant, they are having a 24hr turn around time for providing you the code via email. If worse comes to worse, it will take 14 days. Then you can compare this code to the one via the app by DaGentooBoy, maybe it's the same code, but just put in your request with T-Mobile, you will have it within 24hrs most likely.
Ok, so I may be leaving the USA soon. I plan on unlocking my phone and going out of the country with it. I don't know how long I may be gone.......maybe years, so here are a few questions.

1. I plan on going South Africa. According to this site, both the phone and 3g should work perfectly right?

using a local sim over there. I will discontinue from tmobile when I leave the US
I have not taken my Vibrant out of the country, but I did take my T Mo Blackberry out of the country frequently and specifically to South Africa. Everything worked well, so I expect the Vibrant will too. Good thing you are using a local sim, roaming is really expensive there.
just got an update for my phone but it said my battery life was to low to install im charging now then will try to install..
yeah it just popped up when I was watching a youtube video, but my battery was really low so I am charging my phone now and then I will check back in about an hour to see if it will allow me to install, I really hope this is the gps fix
i hope so too......tried every damn fix there is, just flashed bionix 1.6 still a no-go. If it does get a lock the arrow goes off and dances all over the place....i could really use that fix.
yeah I am kinda freakin out right now waiting for my battery to charge, what % do you think it will allow me to update at? this is the first time I have seen anything like this on my phone so im unsure of what to do, its at 50% now, maybe wait till 75%? befor I try to update?
the main thing I am worried about is if I try to update and then it goes away in the bar and then cant get access back to the update if it still says my battery is to low.. if anyone out there knows if I should wait till its fully charged plz lemme know

also has anyone else got this update for there Vibrant yet?
lol someone on XDA forums got the update and said it never went so well. Said he has to do a nandroid restore
looks like I am going to be hitting the postpone button :(

also this is not 2.2 its the update people got over kies or somthing like that, I just looked on the XDA forums.. so it is supposed to be the GPS fix if it works for me
well, I am going to give it a go, I will let you guys know if it works or not. wish me luck!

well got my battery up to 85 and its still saying I dont have enuff charge, I guess I will let it fully charge.. should be about half an hour or so..

I am just really happy this is the GPS fix, no more messing around with it.. I will be sure to test it right away and update..
I'm holding my breath over here, how did it go? It wouldn't let you update with the phone plugged into the charger? Awkward.
Ok, I have started the update we will see what happens from here..

yeah its weird, I had to restart the phone in order to allow it to update since it would not stop saying I didnt have enuff battery.. its doing its thing now tho..
ok the phone rebooted, installed update.. took about 5mins, it did hang on the Galaxy S screen for a bit but everything is now running and good to go.
ok the phone rebooted, unstalled update.. took about 5mins, it did hang on the Galaxy S screen for a bit but everything is now running and good to go.

Outstanding. Notice any difference? I did the GPS fix on my phone a while ago. It works, but I usually have to reboot my phone for optimum performance. It would be ideal if this update actually works!
Ok I just used the GPS and for the first time it locked on to more then 3 sats.. 10 in view 6-7 in use locked on with in less then 30 secs of turning the GPS on. I also want to add that in google maps it was spot on no blue circle. I am really happy with this fix. the built in task manager is also really nice.
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