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Help SpiceXT316 - Flash & Memory

Hot Brown

May 12, 2012
I recently flashed my XT316 with UAE Z_Generic (DMQ-4480-0-4017-A01_RFM_service) to get rid of Claro which worked.

Now, I have the following issues:

1) The storage on my phone seems to be super low and I've even taking off a lot of the apps I've downloaded.

2) I've got this En symbol that shows up in my notification widow. Letting me know that the keyboard state is English. Any suggestions on how to get rid of this?

3) Does anyone have a link that I can use to flash a version on CyanogenMod to my XT316?

Also, have a 32G SD Card but I can't get most of my preloaded apps to move on to it. Any suggestions?



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