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Help Spontaneous reboots


Feb 2, 2010
I've been having spontaneous reboots on my CLIQ, usually while on 3G. Was on wifi for about 1-2 weeks before I got my data plan and never had the reboots(but then again didn't have wifi 24/7), then I got my data plan and was just using the web (motoblur, news, websites) and the CLIQ would just spontaneously reboot once in a while, and the underside of the phone near the sdcard/SIM card area would get rather warm. Seems like it happens after some time of usage. If I ration the usage I don't see it happening as much.

When it reboots I see the screen fade out with horizontal lines that kinda look like patterns on old interlaced TVs. Then after that I get the motorola black/white logo after it reboots.

Does anyone else experience this?


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