That isn't technical truth - it is bad software and setup. They should have pre-setup with a wifi passworded and picked as the primary for the phone b
There are a limited number of broadcast channels available for 802.11 b/g/n
Steve said there were over 500 wifi routers transmitting in the audience.
Not wifi receiver cards, ROUTERS.
even assuming an even distribution, thats 41 routers broadcasting on each channel(12 channels)
Thats a MASSIVE amount of interference.
That means that the iPhone's were competing with dozens, if not hundreds of wifi routers.
By wifi router, i mean devices like Verizon Mi-fi's, Sprint Hotspot, Palm Pre/Pixi with hotspot, Sprint Evo with wifi hotspot and any other Android 2.2 devices broadcasting.
I'm surprised anyone was able to get a stable connection in that room.