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Help Three UK - Remove Everything


Oct 24, 2012
Joined as my provider (Three UK) is pushing me towards a Galaxy S3 but I am resisting because of all the rubbish that comes pre-installed.

Trying to find a way (before I commit to changing) to removing everything from the phone so that all that it can do is the following

Make phone calls
Send/Receive Text messages
Connect to corporate exchange server

Is this possible?
So are you saying that it *can't* be done or just not very easily. The cost to me will be nothing as I haven't upgraded for years and they seem really keen to get me to switch.

I have seen the threads about removing "bloatware" on here, I just want to go one step further and remove ALL the apps from the phone, disable gps (no tracking) and get maximum battery life.

My current Nokia will go 7 days on a charge. I know it won't do that but 2-3 days would be great.
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Just because other stuff is on your phone and your phone is capable of doing additional things, doesn't mean you have to use those extra features. The basic S3 out of the box will do what you want it to do easily. Just don't click the other icons! Actually you can even remove the other icons so your phone interface won't see them even. Later if you want additional functionality you can add it back.

So yes if you just want those three functions you can hide or remove the other stuff to just those functions. But like the other threads said, if you just want the functions of a basic (Feature) phone, you are better off buying a Feature phone. The S3 is a Smartphone and has more ability (Which you can use or not).
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Just because other stuff is on your phone and your phone is capable of doing additional things, doesn't mean you have to use those extra features. The basic S3 out of the box will do what you want it to do easily. Just don't click the other icons! Actually you can even remove the other icons so your phone interface won't see them even. Later if you want additional functionality you can add it back.

So yes if you just want those three functions you can hide or remove the other stuff to just those functions. But like the other threads said, if you just want the functions of a basic (Feature) phone, you are better off buying a Feature phone. The S3 is a Smartphone and has more ability (Which you can use or not).

Hadn't thought about "hiding" them, actually wanted to remove the software. I've seen my daughter's boyfriends S3 and there are about 8 screens worth of apps on it. Crazy stuff.

Sounds like I ought to stick with my current phone...

...audio - what the stereo & 200w sound system is for
...video - what the 60" hdtv is for
...weather - what looking out of the window is for!
...social media - never use & won't ever, what going down the pub is for..

..guess I could take the upgrade, keep my plan, then just sell the phone on ebay, going for about
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Get your phone through carphone warehouse, not only can they sometimes offer a better deal on the networks but all the phones they provide regardless of network are sim free so no bloatware.

The way I read it, 3 are giving the OP a special deal for loyalty. Cpw can't honour that.

The 3 UK handset had 1x 3 uk boot screen and 1x 3 uk app to easily access your account details. Its not the end of the world.
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Been with them nearly 5 years now, whenever I speak to customer services they always go "you've been with us for a LONG time..." :D

Thanks for all your input about this. Decided in the end not to bother with the S3, does millions of utterly pointless things a phone doesn't need to do, and other devices do far far better.

Provider are giving me a Galaxy Ace - which a quick search suggests I can sell on ebay for about
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Isn't the Galaxy Ace going to come with the same 3 / Samsung 'Bloatware' ?

What a pointless decision - The S3 is one of the best phones out there with massive capabilities. And what have you done..got another smartphone with GPS, social media etc, all on a phone with less memory, smaller screen, slower CPU.

I think your best bet would be stick with the trusted Nokia or get a Blackberry. The capabilities of a smartphone aren't for everyone, I can accept that, but to make a decision based on your daughters boyfriends S3 and apps is a bit strange.

As others have said..you can switch all the stuff you don't want off and remove the icons so the only 3 icons you have on the homescreen are...Text, Call and Email??
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@nigsy I think he's just selling the Ace, not using it. But still, he has managed to put himself out of pocket regardless of phones as SU has described.

It's a shame to see someone, in 2012, trying their best to disregard mobile technology. The things my S3 does, or my previous 2 iPhones did for that matter, are not pointless. Email, Facebook messages, traffic, directions, calendar, notes, reminders, synced contact data, weather. Those, alongside a few other functions and the obvious calling/texting, are massively important to me - and I find it hard to believe that most of those don't apply to everyone between 16 and 60 years old (at a guess) . That 60 mark is going to get pushed further back very quickly as current 50+ grow older with a fundamental understanding of the technology.

Sure, you don't need to use a Smartphone to use these services - but trust me it saves hours of time.
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