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Time To Get Our Hands Dirty


Android Expert
(A Little Rant To Nobody Specific,
But Just In General)
Too many people rely on 3rd party "solutions", I'm occasionally guilty of this as well. The tweaks, the mods, the cutomizations, and other settings.
Knowing how to use the tools that we are provided is important. Letting other "things" accomplish needed tasks makes us lethargic and complacent in the necessary knowledge that is needed to accomplish those tasks on our own.
Which in turn makes us even more reliant on those 3rd party "things".
When its wrote in a clear and plain language, what is most commonly heard is
Is there an app to do that?
instead of
Let me try that!
That's easy enough!
or even
I can learn to do that!!


Thanks for listening and if you didn't that's okay too, its just my opinion.
At least they are not black JellyBeans.

Have you heard about the new snack? Its Gingerbread stuffed Marshmallow flavored JellyBeans and KitKat swirled Froyo with Donut shaped Honeycombs in a Ice Cream Sandwich covered with Eclair Cupcake icing.
The recipe has been constantly changing since 9/2008 when there was just a pile of sugar and from there the first Cupcake was made. Soon there won't be any sugar left and they'll have to come up with something completely new to satisfy our palette.
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