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Twitter applications - themes & push


Jul 18, 2011
Other than the new official twitter client, are there any other clients that support push notification?

I started off using plume, which as a client works great -- but when I tried the push support in the official client I found it brilliant, especially when having a quick dialogue with some one. The immediacy of DM/mentions as well as likely improved power usage when idle makes this, to me, a "killer feature".

I've voted up suggestions for plume to support push, and also tried all the other main clients - tweetcaster. twidroyd, seesmic, tweetdeck,hootsuite & NONE appear to offer push -- just timed updating. They're all ok in their own right, though I still find plume the best.

My other preference is for a client with a dark theme as I use an OLED display and want to optimize power usage. Many allow for this, including plume, but with no push.

Is there any way to mod the colours used by the official app?


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