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Root [Verizon] Is my phone international or not?


Android Enthusiast
May 3, 2012
Hello, I just recently moved from MetroPCS to Verizon, and while I'm VERY familiar with almost anything cell, I'm not sure whether my phone is international or not, and I need help in determining it because I don't wanna fudge something up kernel, or rom wise having used roms from here, and needed to use the 4g lte international version.
I DO have 4glte on the phone, but up until now I believed that was a typical feature of the phone, as for any method to determine international compatibility, or whatever, I've got no clue.
I purchased the phone in Lubbock, Texas where i now reside, and from radioshack, so it SHOULDN'T be the international, but I'm not 100% sure.


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