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Verizon was evil before, but they have really done it this time.

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Android Enthusiast
Verizon nixing- NE2, 1 Year upgrades, 1 Year contracts, tiered data is coming, throttling is coming, spread the word,

Verizon Wireless killing one-year contracts on April 17th, assumes you won't even care -- Engadget

send your emails and show your disconcert for this new policy HQExec.Relations@verizonwireless.com, spread the word, tell your friends, post to facebook, post to other tech sites. YOU have the power. If social media can take down country governments, then a big fat red company should be an easy target.

HQExec.Relations@verizonwireless.com HQExec.Relations@verizonwireless.com HQExec.Relations@verizonwireless.com HQExec.Relations@verizonwireless.com
Your referenced article only says 1-year contracts are discontinued. Throttling and Tiered data isn't mentioned......
The referenced article was the last article I have read, the other things are all in the news but in the past. Engadget does quite a bit of coverage on it, but a quick google search, or a search even of these forums will validate all these things.

Throttling and tiered data are both in the works, but no have not been announced, believe you me, I will eat my hat if we don't see this before 2012.

Follow up: I called verizon earlier to discuss these new policy changes. They made an exception to "early upgrade" me as of April 28th, which was cool. During this conversation, the verizon rep discussed how I when I get my upgrade I should switch to a 1 year contract and pay the extra money for the hardware so I can upgrade per year, and assured me that 1 year contracts were not going away. Before I could even get home (engadget feed on my phone) a publicist from Verizon confirmed the nix of 1 year contracts. I called back to Verizon and the next phone specialist seemed to be very comfortable and had plenty of "talking points" on why this wasn't such a bad deal.

They either blasted talking points to their reps, or the other rep flat out lied to me. I'm hoping it was a blast, because the rep was cool enough to get me an early upgrade, and discussed the 1 year strategy with me. The next rep told us they were usually kept in the dark until the very end which I do believe.

Regardless, I don't think anyone likes being lied to, and the fact that Verizon confirmed 1 year contracts to the very last minute is pretty much bullshitting their customers. They have truly gone way to far with the nixing of all their great programs. They don't pay full price on all their phones, they get commissions from these tech companies to sell their phones, so all they are doing is raising the profit lines, and with being 1 of 3 companies left in America that have any chance of making it, **** it, why not just screw their customers. Bottom line will look much better now, ETF's are common practice, and its only a matter of time before they start charging more fees for the tiered data. They have already introduced a convenient widget so everyone can keep track (remember #MIN)

Its all bullshit, and I can't wait to get rid of Verizon as a provider. However I am stuck for another year due to the $250 dollar ETF I am stuck with currently, even though they have completely changed the landscape of the phone market overnight.
Throttling and tiered data are both in the works, but no have not been announced, believe you me, I will eat my hat if we don't see this before
Its all bullshit, and I can't wait to get rid of Verizon as a provider. However I am stuck for another year due to the $250 dollar ETF I am stuck with currently, even though they have completely changed the landscape of the phone market overnight.
You might have a way out. Watch the video in this post. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm pissed off enough where I might try it in the coming weeks. I can confirm that the clauses it talks about are still in our agreements unchanged. The surcharge it uses also changes on a quarterly basis. If you try it, good luck.
ATM I think Verizon is the least evil of all the large carriers. I thought I could always fall back on t-mobile but they got eaten up by AT&T so who knows? Maybe Metro/Ghetto PCS.
I'd switch to T.Mobile but we don't have it here. My least-awful option is probably U.S. Cellular... eegh. Sprint and AT&T can suck it.

Looks like I'm stuck, too.
ATM I think Verizon is the least evil of all the large carriers. I thought I could always fall back on t-mobile but they got eaten up by AT&T so who knows? Maybe Metro/Ghetto PCS.

Ive never known anyone to go with a 1-year contract anyways. If you want the discounted phone, get a 2-year contract since the 1-year doesnt do much. If you dont want to upgrade your phone at all just dont have a contract...

Also tiered data may come, but if you already have unlimited for $30/month they wont take you off. Just dont quit Verizon and then come back later expecting to get what you used to have. Same thing happened with VCast... It used to be $10 for 6 months or something like that and now its way more.

And who else are you going to switch to? T-Mobile & AT&T (T-Mobile will be AT&T anyways sometime soon) both have tiered data plans. No-contract dealers will limit your usage as well. I know Cricket says you get unlimited but its only 3g speeds up to 1gb then they throttle you down. Have fun going with another company! :D
Also Verizon (like other huge companies) use other companies for customer support over the phone. If you call their 1-800 number most likely you arent even talking to a Verizon support guy. Other companies like Afni (they are big huge in Tucson) take the customer support calls unless something gets escalated then they transfer you. A Verizon support person will always have more info than a 3rd party support. The person you probably talked to most likely didnt even know they nixed the 1 year contract... yet. You can complain about it all you want, but its the way big companies run. Better get used to it!

There are quite a few people here who have a 1 yr contract specifically so they don't have to deal with a contract and a carrier for 2 years. My guess is they like to have options (carriers and devices) when the 12 months are up. I'm screwed in this regard too because I was seriously considering switching to T-mobile when my VZW contract was up (not anymore) or getting a 1 yr contract with VZW (not after 4/17 apparently).

I think the point the OP is getting at is VZW is pulling all these shenanigans because they have little to no competition in terms of cell service. Just because its the way big companies are operated, doesn't make it right. It's a race for AT&T and VZW to see who can wring every dollar out of pissed off customers.
also tmarr, too add what jayefef said, me personally i get one year contracts not because i'm thinking about leaving soon, but I want to have a different phone. Not, the latest and greatest phone because i'm just a poor college student but a different phone every year. For ex. i just got the Dinc a couple months ago, and plan to get the Tbolt or Dinc 2 next year when prices drop. I don't really care if it's the newest phone, just a different phone that's better then my last phone. My whole point is that Verizon is just making that difficult for me. What advice would you give me, to pay 500-700 for a phone off contract when i don't have the money? What wrong with giving choices? Do you always succumb to what ever big companies do, even if you don't agree with it?
I've been very happy with verizon but i going to have to leave if any other phone companies at least give me the opportunity to changes phones every year. btw, does anyone know if any of the big 4 allow customers to upgrade after one year or get a one year contract? Sorry for the long post.
To add additionally to this discussion. I was a 2 year contract person, but Verizon allowed me to extend my contract out every year and buy a phone at the subsidized pricing. They would charge an "early upgrade fee" of 20 dollars. I can live with that, but they got rid of that as well. What the are trying to do is make more money off the handsets and not subsidize as much. This is a bullshit excuse because the hardware companies pay verizon a huge commission to sell their phones. Thats how they get the low pricing anyway, and why they incorporate the early termination fees.

Verizon is now in a world where there is little competition, and are becoming more monopolistic in their ways. Before cellular, ATT did it, however now a days are government are a bunch of dummies and have no clue how to further regulate these companies, without backlash from the very people that control them.
Before coming to vzw for the dinc, I got 1 year contracts on t-mobile so I could get a different phone every year. I'm thinking of leaving vzw early for the g2x and to lock in t-mobile's current low price before the att buyout's official.
Verizon is now in a world where there is little competition, and are becoming more monopolistic in their ways. Before cellular, ATT did it, however now a days are government are a bunch of dummies and have no clue how to further regulate these companies, without backlash from the very people that control them.

Pretty much getting to be the American business model again:
Buy up the competition.
Do less.
Charge more.

The govt has gone on a couple trust-busting sprees, breaking up the monopolies, like ATT, and bringing competition back into the marketplace.

But these days the large companies, and the politicians, have gotten a lot smarter finding ways to keep the politicians in the companies' back pockets.
I called Verizon and they said if you have an NE2 left, you can still use it. Mine is coming in December. But that will be the end of it after that.

The big question is are we going to be grandfathered into unlimited 3g plan and how long will we be able to keep it?

HTC is also locking their phones down like Motorola.

You can certainly say BYE to free wireless tether. This will be a thing of the past by 2012. "Back in 2010, we could tether wirelessly for free." "Oh grandpa, don't be silly with your old cell phone stories."
Its all bullshit, and I can't wait to get rid of Verizon as a provider. However I am stuck for another year due to the $250 dollar ETF I am stuck with currently, even though they have completely changed the landscape of the phone market overnight.

But they haven't changed your contract, so why is riding out the till the end of it such a big deal?

If you don't like VZW, jump carriers, thats why we have a free market.

Honestly, this is a pet peeve of mine, a company does something YOU don't agree with, so they are automatically "evil." Really, WTF? Get some perspective.

Have they killed anybody? Failed to honer the contract you signed?

Their "evil" for not offering a product you like? Really?
But they haven't changed your contract, so why is riding out the till the end of it such a big deal?

If you don't like VZW, jump carriers, thats why we have a free market.

Honestly, this is a pet peeve of mine, a company does something YOU don't agree with, so they are automatically "evil." Really, WTF? Get some perspective.

Have they killed anybody? Failed to honer the contract you signed?

Their "evil" for not offering a product you like? Really?

They changed the entire landscape of my contract. 2 years now means 2 years no upgrades. Prior to this, I could early upgrade every year. However this program has gone away. So now, I no long can upgrade every year. Yes I would call this evil. I would call this monopolistic. I would call this just the beginning. Take a look at the Canadian cell phone contracts, they have even stricter rules and carry 3-4-5 year contracts.

Verizon knows they have the market share, and they know that the only other option is ATT or Sprint, and they have made it clear your choices are not much different so deal with it.

That is evil. Get real.
They changed the entire landscape of my contract. 2 years now means 2 years no upgrades.

Thats always what NE2 meant, though they allowed people to cash it in early for a reduced amount.

And if you have a NE2 upgrade left, they will still give it to you, just not another one after that. Does sprint, ATT allow early upgrades?

Prior to this, I could early upgrade every year. However this program has gone away. So now, I no long can upgrade every year. Yes I would call this evil.

How is that "evil?" Sure you don't like it, but thats far from "evil."

I would call this monopolistic.

Really... do you know what that word means?

Verizon knows they have the market share, and they know that the only other option is ATT or Sprint

Obviously not.

You also left out, T-Mobile USA, TracFone Wireless, MetroPCS, U.S. Cellular, Cricket Communications, and a few others.

I would call this just the beginning. Take a look at the Canadian cell phone contracts, they have even stricter rules and carry 3-4-5 year contracts.

Dear god, a company changing its products trying to make a profit. How utterly "evil" of them. You MIGHT no longer be able to get a handset at below cost... really, thats along the lines of mass murder and genocide, utterly evil.

Verizon's motives in the change are obvious, analysts say: Every time a customer upgrades his phone at a discount, there's a significant cost to the company. As of now, carriers lose money on every discounted handset, but make it up with income from a two-year contract. (That subsidy is why a new 16GB iPhone 4 costs $199 with a contract and $599 retail.) By forcing consumers to wait to upgrade
They changed the entire landscape of my contract. 2 years now means 2 years no upgrades. Prior to this, I could early upgrade every year. However this program has gone away. So now, I no long can upgrade every year. Yes I would call this evil. I would call this monopolistic. I would call this just the beginning. Take a look at the Canadian cell phone contracts, they have even stricter rules and carry 3-4-5 year contracts.

Verizon knows they have the market share, and they know that the only other option is ATT or Sprint, and they have made it clear your choices are not much different so deal with it.

That is evil. Get real.

I don't get how that is evil. It's a business...they're goal is to make money. In fact they have a moral and LEGAL obligation to maximize profit (in a legal and sustainable way). Cell phones are getting more expansive, both in terms of OEM's sticker price for the top end phones (the one people who get early upgrades buy) and in the percentage of smartphone customers. The early upgrade system they had was unsustainable it that environment, and they are just bringing their policies inline with their main competitors. They probably could have found a middle ground (increasing the cost for higher upgrades, 18 month upgrades/etc), but fundimentally they needed to change the model. If you don't like that, take your business elsewhere.

Evil is a company dumping toxic waste to save on disposal costs, or covering up dangerous defects to maintain sales. Evil is Sprint charging a $10 "Premium data fee" to EVERY mobile data customer in addition to the month rate (ok, this isn't really evil either, but it is more evil than this). This isn't evil.
And just for everyone's information, Verizon has a 31% market share. They don't have a monopoly by any meaningful definition. They won't even have a largest market share after the Att-Tmobile deal goes through (they have 25% and 12% respectively).
And just for everyone's information, Verizon has a 31% market share. They don't have a monopoly by any meaningful definition. They won't even have a largest market share after the Att-Tmobile deal goes through (they have 25% and 12% respectively).

They do not have a monopoly they belong to an oligopoly- definition:

An oligopoly is a market form in which a market or industry is dominated by a small number of sellers (oligopolists). The word is derived, by analogy with "monopoly", from the Greek ὀλίγοι (oligoi) "few" + πωλειν (polein) "to sell". Because there are few sellers, each oligopolist is likely to be aware of the actions of the others. The decisions of one firm influence, and are influenced by, the decisions of other firms. Strategic planning by oligopolists needs to take into account the likely responses of the other market participants.

Example from the website I got the information:

Oligopoly is a common market form. As a quantitative description of oligopoly, the four-firm concentration ratio is often utilized. This measure expresses the market share of the four largest firms in an industry as a percentage. For example, as of fourth quarter 2008, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, Nextel, and T-Mobile together control 89% of the US cellular phone market.

Additional example that describe monopolistic activity (yes I do know what this is)- although what you may be referring to is monopolistic competition which is different, however the correct adjective to describe a monopoly would be monopolistic.

Oligopolistic competition can give rise to a wide range of different outcomes. In some situations, the firms may employ restrictive trade practices (collusion, market sharing etc.) to raise prices and restrict production in much the same way as a monopoly. Where there is a formal agreement for such collusion, this is known as a cartel. A primary example of such a cartel is OPEC which has a profound influence on the international price of oil.

The bottom line is your arguing on behalf of very large company that has taken away the flexibility they once offered. Evil, is a pretty good word to use, it was used to describe quite a few monopolistic companies in the past and as they continue to strip away options and raise their price and leave the consumer with very little options.

I did not refer to the smaller firms you bring up as in America, they are a very small slice of the market.
Oligopolistic competition can give rise to a wide range of different outcomes. In some situations, the firms may employ restrictive trade practices (collusion, market sharing etc.) to raise prices and restrict production in much the same way as a monopoly. Where there is a formal agreement for such collusion, this is known as a cartel. A primary example of such a cartel is OPEC which has a profound influence on the international price of oil.

You failed to quote the benifical sides of a oligopoly as well...

In other situations, competition between sellers in an oligopoly can be fierce, with relatively low prices and high production. This could lead to an efficient outcome approaching perfect competition.
Oligopoly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Could it be you were getting handsets at below cost precisely because of this fierce competition within the oligopoly?

If, the members of an oligopoly get together and work in collusion to set prices at a certain level, effectively creating a cartel... thats called "price fixing" and its illegal. A few years back LG and sharp got nailed for price fixing their LCD screens, and had to pay millions in dollars.

So, if you have some unseen evidence of collusion and price fixing between the major cell phone providers, lets see it.

The bottom line is your arguing on behalf of very large company that has taken away the flexibility they once offered. Evil, is a pretty good word to use, it was used to describe quite a few monopolistic companies in the past and as they continue to strip away options and raise their price and leave the consumer with very little options

So, is it "evil" when CBS Corporation cancels 2 1/2 men (I thought it was evil to air it)? They are one of 7 companies that control most of whats on TV, and they are no longer offering something they previously did?

Is it "evil" when Viacom puts out crap movies?

Is it "evil" that Anheuser-Busch quit making Tequiza?


You really need a perspective check.

Evil, is genocide, evil is someone murdering someone you love. Evil, is someone coming into your home and stealing your stuff. Evil, is not the free market adjusting the cost you pay for a cell phone.
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