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Root [Virgin Mobile] Insufficient storage


I'd like to first thank everyone that's contributed to this forum. There are undoubtedly many lurkers like myself that stumble across it and are helped tremendously. You guys are a godsend.

My phone is rooted and I've followed the steps in TeachMe's swap and Link2SD guide. I recently repartitioned my SD card because it didn't seem like the ~3.5 GB I'd set aside for apps was enough. This time I made the first partition 24GB and left the remainder for apps. This is what Link2SD's Storage Info tab shows now:


I take this to mean I have almost 2.4GB left for apps. But I continue to get the insufficient storage error when I attemp to update or install most apps. When I pull up the Storage tab under System Settings, this is what I see:


According to this, my apps are already taking up 5.56 GB, which would explain why I'm getting the insufficient storage error--I am in fact out of room. But if this is accurate I should have run out of memory long ago. As I mentioned above, the first time around I set aside only ~3.5 GB for apps.

Can anyone explain what is going on? I've tried clearing my cache, deleting my dumpstate/logcat and other suggestions like the one in this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2443267. (I couldn't find any app-lib directories so I deleted what I felt were the appropriate folders and files. Didn't work.)

I am prepared to repartition my SD card again if that will solve the problem. I am also prepared to uninstall some apps if the Victory's limited internal memory places a ceiling on the number one can have. I have far more than I need. Isn't swapping and linking supposed to effectively remove any ceiling, though?

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide.
What's happening here is you set aside too much data on your second partition. Sadly, linking files doesn't move all app data to this partition, so you're still limited by your actual internal data. The phone generally tries to reserve some internal data, and stops you from downloading apps at around 150-200mb remaining. Because of this I'd suggest removing all of your links, backing up apps in titanium backup, copying your contents of your external sdcard to a computer, amd going through the partitioning phase again, allowing yourself about 2 gigs of the second partition. There's no way to overcome this really, but at least this way you have more external memory.

It might also help you save space if you had an external/internal swap script like that in the Victorious rom in the forums here.
Link2sd now supports linking app data. Paid version does anyways
And there is no way you will ever be able to load 24GB worth of apps on this phone no matter what you partition. 2 GB tops. If they are games with huge obb files or similar then I agree, you need to start over and use the swap and link combined script. Don't try to install link script and swap script separately, they will crash. You have to use the combined script made by jerryscript that teachme put in his thread.
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Thanks for the replies!

I followed the instructions in TeachMe's post to the letter, so I believe I've already flashed the script you guys are referring to. My understanding was this would make my phone think the first partition of the SD card is internal storage. So all apps would go there first. Then Link2SD would "move" them to the second partition, freeing up space in the first partition.

But according to both of you the phone isn't capable of handling more than around 2GB in apps, so anything bigger than a 2GB second partition is a waste. I believe you guys, but if this is the case why does Link2SD say I'm using 3.15GB of the second partition and System Settings say I have 5.56GB in apps?

I don't have any games. Here are my biggest apps:

The swap only swaps internal and external storage. It does not make apps install on you external SD. Apps are not stored on either SD. They are in data/apps. It only helps with data and obb files. link2sd is the only thing moving apps.
Remember a lot of apps already store data on external now. You have them swapped so guess where all that data is going now? Yep, internal. That's likely why your storage is full. You have to research and test apps beforehand instead of just trying to load several GB worth of apps. This is basically one big hack and must be used carefully.
Your best bet (since you aren't using apps with obb files) is to remove lots of apps (enough for the phones actual storage to handle) then delete the swap script. Then let link2sd remake its link script and re install and re link your apps. It looks like its the swap script that's killing your storage.
The script is in system/etc/init.d. Its something like 11ext2internalsd. After you remove lots of apps (maybe back them up first) reboot then open link2sd, choose ext4 of course and let it create its link script. If you get the paid version it will let you link app data as well. No swap needed.
It appears I don't fully understand what the swap script and Link2SD are doing. All this time I thought the end result was that my apps ended up in the second partition of my SD card.

What I did was uninstall some apps and try updating the long queue of apps that were out of date. Making room worked, kind of--some, but not all, of the apps would update. So I uninstalled a few more and tried again. During this process I discovered something strange. If I hit update all, only one of the apps would update before the rest returned insufficient storage errors. But the last go around every app updated if I did them one at a time. I was then able to reinstall some of the apps I'd uninstalled, along with one brand new one (Chrome).

I'm currently using 2.94GB of my second partition (as opposed to the 3.15GB when I first posted). I'll see how much longer I can continue to update my apps before getting insufficient storage errors. When that happens I will probably try deleting the swap script and upgrading to the paid version of Link2SD. Thanks for your help!
Yeah link2sd is the only thing that moves the apps to 2nd partition. And it works well. It doesn't do the obb files though. That's where the swap helps. When you install a huge 1.5 GB game and it says installing additional files, those are obb. It goes to internal, but the swap takes care of that. Trouble is, like I said, some apps already store data on external SD. So if your storage is swapped it now goes to internal. So eventually it will throw an insufficient storage error. The whole thing let's you get a lot more apps than this phone can normally handle, but it still has limits.
With the apps you're using I would say link2sd alone is going to let you handle more apps without problem.
Good luck!
I had a similar problem once that was due to files/APK's partially remaining, so it conflicted with installation. Found identical APK's in system and had to erase them. Rebooted & problem solved.. Just a thought
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