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Want a Galaxy S3, but are these cons worth it? Have till the weekend to decide. Your view?


Basically i have until the weekend to decide whether to keep my iPhone 4S or switch for a Galaxy S3, by which time the 7 day grace will have passed & i'll have to keep the iPhone.

The signal issue that we've just noticed with my wife's S3 is a concern - as in places she could get a signal with her iPhone, she's struggling with her S3, but in other areas she has no issue - there's no set pattern.

Then i recently found an issue with the apps. Some of them don't seem to work, even though they're available. I'm already giving up some apps i have on my iPhone, but to have the few available that i use to not even work? Might just make the decision for me.

The way i see it ....

* Screen - Galaxy S3 hands down, no question
* Camera - Galaxy S3, although iPhone 4S isn't "bad".
* Manageability - iPhone 4S as it sits better in the hand.
* Web browsing - Galaxy S3 hands down due to the bigger screen
* Playing games - S3 due to screen
* Game selection - iPhone 4S - android market is too limited.
* Customization - come on, it's the S3.

So i'm wanting an S3 (i think), but i'm worried about the apps.

For example - Shazam. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shazam.encore.android Constant 1 stars & look at the feedback from Galaxy S3 users.
Having said that, my wife has just downloaded the normal version which works fine. I don't understand it. I thought Encore offered you unlimited tagging, but the free version also said unlimited tagging :confused:

I don't have a whole heap of apps on the iPhone:

BBC News
Street Fighter 4 - not available on android
Street Fighter 4 Volt - not available on android
Street Fighter 2 Collection - not available on android
Fifa 11
Flick Soccer
Google Maps
TomTom UK & Ireland - not available for the S3
TuneInRadio - i tried this last night & some stations worked, but some that work on the iPhone didn't work on the wife's S3
Sky Sports Football
Shazam - concerns as raised earlier
i.CopterSyma - this is for a bluetooth helicopter. Not sure if this works on the S3
Dead Trigger

So what do you have to say about this topic? I'm worried that i may buy an S3 & find that a stack of apps that are available don't actually work on the S3 & from reading, they don't seem too quick to roll out updates.

This doesn't address any signal drop issue that may stop me from getting online in areas my iPhone would allow me.
Sorry, i thought it'd be better suited here due to it being about apps, but if it'd be better suited there then i'll head on over. Thanks.
I can't help you much with Shazam, as I prefer and use Soundhound now adays, but If an app doesn't work correctly with the S3, it's the app devs that need to fix things, not Samsung. I have played with the S3 on more than one occasion and it has never given me any issues.
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