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Whats this snapdragon bs?


Well-Known Member
I just got my droid eris a week ago and I have noticed alot of bashing since on here about how the eris is a old phone rehashed for verizon.

I know the history with the htc hero being made on sprint then converted for verizon, but does the snapdragon really made the difference?
Someone I work with has the droid had he rooted it to overclock it. To what extent is speed overkill?

The eris seems fast enough for most tasks. Sure theres lag when trying to type something at times, but is it that horrible really? As I see it us eris owners have a different phone from the bunch who own iphones and droids. The form factor is outa this world and the sense ui is awesome.

So whats with the sudden negativity towards the eris?
Kinda hard to tell whether you want to know more about Snapdragon, or why people are negative towards Eris. I think the two are seperate issues.

The Eris is fast enough for most things. You won't get Google Earth to run on it (which may bode poorly for future apps), and HTC didn't include Live Wallpapers for 2.1 (at least not the leaked version) which may speak to a hardware limitation as well.

There are some lag issues with the Eris as-is, whether you have experienced them or not. The dialer has been particularly troublesome for a lot of people, and things like deleting large numbers of text messages can take forever. Whether that is a hardware issue, or an issue with Sense is, to my knowledge, unknown.

The real reason I think people are "bashing" Eris right now is that on top of feeling abandoned because 2.1 was not OTA'd on schedule (and no further information has been released), VZW is EOL'ing the Eris soon.

As for Snapdragon... It's a faster processor and will be onboard for the HTC Incredible, which can be seen as the Eris' replacement (albiet at a higher price-point).

EDIT: I really like my Eris, which is the main reason I will be forking out the dough for the Incredible at some point.
The worst is just the dialer app. I use google voice for texting, so deleting text isn't a big deal, and typing with swype is faster probably solely because of smaller img files, and the email is great. Therefore it's just the dialer app especially while answering calls, there is a huge hick-up and lag there when accepting a call and start talking, which probably because of the processor. It's just extremely annoying, but I've trained my self to wait like 1.5s to say "hello". Maybe with a better processor, the phone would be better. Also, the other hardware improvements (camera, ram, etc.) of the Incredible also make the Eris just seem like a miss-buy, but really it wasn't for me at all.

This is because I won't buy any phone that varies from being a no-physical keyboard 3.2 touch screen, which at the moment, the Eris is still the best on the market with the Palm Pre Plus (3.1 with keyboard) as an maybe alternative or a myTouch on T-Mobile. 3.2 is the best screen size. The HTC Legend doesn't seem to be planned to be picked up by anyone at the moment, but in a year or two, I'm sure there will be a better one then for sure, so that's what I'm waiting for. For now though, I've grown used to my Eris and like it a lot.
Considering the sheer amount of information regarding 2.1 and the leaks even existing should point to an eventual release.

Downside to the eris being discontinued is that most likely we will not see another update after 2.1, but nevertheless the phone is only for 2 years. More or less having the eris for two years isnt a bad thing, plus I know that I only spent a penny via amazonwireless for it so it was def worth it.

Looking at it now I may have waited another 3 weeks just to check out the droid incredible(stupid name imo) and then decided. The eris is here to stay for me for 2 years now as long as it lasts two years without breaking or losing it.
How about this, the "leak" was only Leaked to shut us up. There will be no official 2.1 because the Eris is the dog of the line and its life is over. So if you want some buggy software on your phone you can have the leaked 2.1.
Snapdragon the 1 Ghz processor is what we should have gotten to begin with, but just like everyone else I couldn't wait and bought the old junk HTC was dumping
Snapdragon is Qualcomms newer SOC (system on chip) cpu/gpu chipset. Its FAR superior to the obsolete hardware in the Eris. 4 to 5 times faster than the chipset in the Eris. Yes, 4 to 5 times faster.

Snapdragon runs at 1ghz and is based on the Cortex CPU core. Eris runs at 528mhz but uses an obsolete Arm11 core which is why its so slow despite the 528mhz clock.

Snapdragon is Mfred on 65nm process, The chipset in the Eris uses a 90nm process which is why you have both very poor performance and very poor battery life with the Eris. Also the Eris chipset does not use dynamic clock speeds which further reduces the battery life. This is why the Eris has BOTH crippled performance and crippled battery life.

Im sorry but the phone is simple obsolete which is the reason why so few dollars went to market it.
Snapdragon is Qualcomms newer SOC (system on chip) cpu/gpu chipset. Its FAR superior to the obsolete hardware in the Eris. 4 to 5 times faster than the chipset in the Eris. Yes, 4 to 5 times faster.

Snapdragon runs at 1ghz and is based on the Cortex CPU core. Eris runs at 528mhz but uses an obsolete Arm11 core which is why its so slow despite the 528mhz clock.

Snapdragon is Mfred on 65nm process, The chipset in the Eris uses a 90nm process which is why you have both very poor performance and very poor battery life with the Eris. Also the Eris chipset does not use dynamic clock speeds which further reduces the battery life. This is why the Eris has BOTH crippled performance and crippled battery life.

Im sorry but the phone is simple obsolete which is the reason why so few dollars went to market it.

You were shining, again, until you got to that very last sentence, as well as the last sentence in the previous paragraph.

The Eris is *cheap* because of the lesser processor (btw, some of the devices using the Snapdragon are underclocked for battery life, including the Incredible, down to 768, faster than the Eris, for sure, but not a quantum leap) but it is not "obsolete," by a long shot.

Many phones out there with less than the very latest chips are popular and used in business as well as pleasure and they will be around for years to come; some of them even well past their so-called "end of life."
You were shining, again, until you got to that very last sentence, as well as the last sentence in the previous paragraph.

The Eris is *cheap* because of the lesser processor (btw, some of the devices using the Snapdragon are underclocked for battery life, including the Incredible, down to 768, faster than the Eris, for sure, but not a quantum leap) but it is not "obsolete," by a long shot.

Many phones out there with less than the very latest chips are popular and used in business as well as pleasure and they will be around for years to come; some of them even well past their so-called "end of life."

Well put. I agree. Just because the chip set isn't the "latest and greatest" does not mean the phone is "obsolete".

I don't have the fastest car on the road, but mine sure looks pretty and is still fun to drive. :cool:
You were shining, again, until you got to that very last sentence, as well as the last sentence in the previous paragraph.

The Eris is *cheap* because of the lesser processor (btw, some of the devices using the Snapdragon are underclocked for battery life, including the Incredible, down to 768, faster than the Eris, for sure, but not a quantum leap) but it is not "obsolete," by a long shot.

Many phones out there with less than the very latest chips are popular and used in business as well as pleasure and they will be around for years to come; some of them even well past their so-called "end of life."
Sorry but all your points are incorrect.

1. I dont know where you got your misinformation from but the Incredible is clocked at full 1ghz and dynamically switches clock speeds to reduce power usages. ALL current snapdragon based units are clocked at a full 1ghz. There is only one very earily snapdragon based phone that was down clocked to 768mhz (I believe it was the asus or acer model?) The rumor of the Incredible being clocked at 768mhz clock has been debunked months ago. Even at 768mhz the snapdragon would provide 3-4 times the performance of the Eris, if you dont call that a quantum leap in performance I dont know what is.

2. The price of the Eris is irrelevent when you're paying at LEAST $60/month ($80 on average) for the service. At the end of your contract if you paid $200 for the phone or paid $0 the difference in overall price is slim at best. There is NO reason NOT to spend the additional $100 or $200 for a snapdragon based phone when you're already paying so much for service.

3. The business phones and other "Media" phones out there do NOT run the Android OS. They are basically dumb phones with no access to any kind of app market, no multitasking, horrid web browsers. You are basically stuck with what you get in the OS and what you get is VERY little compared to smart phones. This simply means that you DONT need the extra CPU power to run dumb phones because there is simply nothing to run.
Sorry but all your points are incorrect.

1. I dont know where you got your misinformation from but the Incredible is clocked at full 1ghz and dynamically switches clock speeds to reduce power usages. ALL current snapdragon based units are clocked at a full 1ghz. There is only one very earily snapdragon based phone that was down clocked to 768mhz (I believe it was the asus or acer model?) The rumor of the Incredible being clocked at 768mhz clock has been debunked months ago. Even at 768mhz the snapdragon would provide 3-4 times the performance of the Eris, if you dont call that a quantum leap in performance I dont know what is.

2. The price of the Eris is irrelevent when you're paying at LEAST $60/month ($80 on average) for the service. At the end of your contract if you paid $200 for the phone or paid $0 the difference in overall price is slim at best. There is NO reason NOT to spend the additional $100 or $200 for a snapdragon based phone when you're already paying so much for service.

3. The business phones and other "Media" phones out there do NOT run the Android OS. They are basically dumb phones with no access to any kind of app market, no multitasking, horrid web browsers. You are basically stuck with what you get in the OS and what you get is VERY little compared to smart phones. This simply means that you DONT need the extra CPU power to run dumb phones because there is simply nothing to run.

You have some compelling arguments, but you know what... there are people who actually like their Eris. Go ahead and buy your Incredible and think of us poor saps with our inferior phones, but the relentless bashing is so uncalled for. If you don't like it that is your opinion and your opinion is exactly that, YOUR OPINION.
1. I dont know where you got your misinformation from but the Incredible is clocked at full 1ghz and dynamically switches clock speeds to reduce power usages. ALL current snapdragon based units are clocked at a full 1ghz. There is only one very earily snapdragon based phone that was down clocked to 768mhz (I believe it was the asus or acer model?) The rumor of the Incredible being clocked at 768mhz clock has been debunked months ago. Even at 768mhz the snapdragon would provide 3-4 times the performance of the Eris, if you dont call that a quantum leap in performance I dont know what is.

Yawn. Hurray, it is faster. So is a Ferrari compared to a Honda. Not everyone needs or cares anything about driving a Ferrari.

2. The price of the Eris is irrelevent when you're paying at LEAST $60/month ($80 on average) for the service. At the end of your contract if you paid $200 for the phone or paid $0 the difference in overall price is slim at best. There is NO reason NOT to spend the additional $100 or $200 for a snapdragon based phone when you're already paying so much for service.

Well, for some the upfront cost of buying a phone is an issue. They can afford the extra monthly expense because their company is footing the bill or their parents are. However, they are not willing to spend the money on the hardware. Try to keep in mind that everyone else, isn't you and doesn't "need" what you "need" in a phone. It is the reason there are so many options out there.

3. The business phones and other "Media" phones out there do NOT run the Android OS. They are basically dumb phones with no access to any kind of app market, no multitasking, horrid web browsers. You are basically stuck with what you get in the OS and what you get is VERY little compared to smart phones. This simply means that you DONT need the extra CPU power to run dumb phones because there is simply nothing to run.

Really? Blackberries, iPhones, MinMo, Palm and Symbian phones don't have app markets? There are no other applications available for these phones? They don't offer anything else? None of them have other browsers that can be loaded?

While I like Android as much as the next girl and I enjoy new tech, I am not willing to delude myself into thinking that no other phone or OS will do anything for anyone. You probably shouldn't either.

Some of your posts are actually pretty informative and contain useful information. It is shame that most of that is ruined by the way you present it. So you had a bad experience with the Eris and didn't like it. Sorry to hear it, but there are plenty of people that are happy with it. Get over whatever issue you have taken with the happy people and move on. Until you can do that you are only going to make an ass of yourself.
Really? Blackberries, iPhones, MinMo, Palm and Symbian phones don't have app markets? There are no other applications available for these phones? They don't offer anything else? None of them have other browsers that can be loaded?

While I like Android as much as the next girl and I enjoy new tech, I am not willing to delude myself into thinking that no other phone or OS will do anything for anyone. You probably shouldn't either.
There are only two phone markets in this world. Android market and Iphone market. Everything else is irrelevent. Yes I consider symbian, blackberry, and palm based phones "dumb" phones. No real market = no thanks.
How about this, the "leak" was only Leaked to shut us up. There will be no official 2.1 because the Eris is the dog of the line and its life is over. So if you want some buggy software on your phone you can have the leaked 2.1.
Snapdragon the 1 Ghz processor is what we should have gotten to begin with, but just like everyone else I couldn't wait and bought the old junk HTC was dumping

With the threads that I read on this site, I have seen you do nothing but complain about this phone. "No 2.1 this, Eris sucks that", etc. etc. Why are you even here if you're going to just bash the phone over and over again? Seriously, no one appreciates the negativity. You had 30 days to return the phone if you didn't like it, so why didn't you?

Just because the chip set isn't the "latest and greatest" does not mean the phone is "obsolete"

Definitely agree. If your Eris works for you and your needs, then why does having a faster (and more expensive) processor really matter? I got the Eris because it was the cheaper Android based phone at only $50, plus I liked the form factor. Saving $100 up front is a little more important to me than a faster/flashier phone.

Although, I will admit, I want the Incredible/Nexus One for the flashiness.:D
This is an absurd exchange, with this person.

.. anyway...

It does appear that the Incredible *could* be sporting the full 1Ghz Snapdragon (the statement at one reviewer's site is, "There is nary a mention of the processor being underclocked to 768Mhz, so here’s hoping it’s running at the full 1Ghz"). Ok. It's plenty fast.. maybe.

Meanwhile I have a co-worker with a Nexus One, a new Mustang and at least one trophy girlfriend. None of those things cause my Eris, my Escalade and my wife to suddenly become less than perfect for me, let alone obsolete, as you say the Eris is.

Your posts are becoming an exercise in meaningless yammering, whereas the hardware knowledge expressed by you at first seemed interesting.

Methinks you doth protest too much.
Sorry but all your points are incorrect.

1. I dont know where you got your misinformation from but the Incredible is clocked at full 1ghz and dynamically switches clock speeds to reduce power usages. ALL current snapdragon based units are clocked at a full 1ghz. There is only one very earily snapdragon based phone that was down clocked to 768mhz (I believe it was the asus or acer model?) The rumor of the Incredible being clocked at 768mhz clock has been debunked months ago. Even at 768mhz the snapdragon would provide 3-4 times the performance of the Eris, if you dont call that a quantum leap in performance I dont know what is.

2. The price of the Eris is irrelevent when you're paying at LEAST $60/month ($80 on average) for the service. At the end of your contract if you paid $200 for the phone or paid $0 the difference in overall price is slim at best. There is NO reason NOT to spend the additional $100 or $200 for a snapdragon based phone when you're already paying so much for service.

3. The business phones and other "Media" phones out there do NOT run the Android OS. They are basically dumb phones with no access to any kind of app market, no multitasking, horrid web browsers. You are basically stuck with what you get in the OS and what you get is VERY little compared to smart phones. This simply means that you DONT need the extra CPU power to run dumb phones because there is simply nothing to run.

Ok..I'm on board. Will you please loan me a few hundred bucks so that I can upgrade to the Incredible when it comes out? I'll really appreciate it. ;)
We need the mods to add this to the smilies:


Ok..I'm on board. Will you please loan me a few hundred bucks so that I can upgrade to the Incredible when it comes out? I'll really appreciate it. ;)

Me too. It's like he trying to convert us to Incredibles, why not just give us the money for one so we can ditch our Eris?
It does appear that the Incredible *could* be sporting the full 1Ghz Snapdragon (the statement at one reviewer's site is, "There is nary a mention of the processor being underclocked to 768Mhz, so here’s hoping it’s running at the full 1Ghz"). Ok. It's plenty fast.. maybe.
Confirmed long time ago that the Incredible is clocked at 1ghz. There is no questioning this. Even HTC and Verizon state so. Jow Schmo review websites have no access to devices prior to thier release.
To think about it, the majority of negative posts on the eris board are from artificialsweetener. So what went up your butt and died?

I personally am glad to see the educated responses to counter his negatively biased ones.Based simply on style the eris wins in my book, and 1.5 is not so bad(yet it would be nice to see 2.1). As others have stated the new tech compared to the older tech in the eris does not make it horrible. It is unfortunate that verizon felt like ending the products life cycle so sudden, however this does not make the phone crap.

So can you fill us in sweetener on why you happen to be hovering on the eris boards to praise the incredible and bash the eris?
The Incredible will most probably not ship at 1Ghz and will be underclocked. Do cars ship bored out to their engine's max? No. And there are reasons for this.
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