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Root when GPS just won't lock

Good day,

Saving time, immediate below is how I fixed my GPS. Beyond that is the whole history. For those that require respective files, please PM me. If somebody wants to host, PM me.
#!/system/bin/busybox sh
echo "[#]"
echo "[#] Firmware & Basebands..."
su -c "dd of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 if=/sdcard/bootlg/920firm_9.img bs=4096"
su -c "dd of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p14 if=/sdcard/bootlg/920base_9.img bs=4096"
echo "[#] Done!"
echo "[#] End"

Reverting back to a prior stock rom, I received an error message in CWM stating failure number 6 (what an awesome error descriptor, #6!). The nice android robot was on his back w/ red flag. Okay, so I figured I would just restore a nandroid backup. Everything worked fine, no errors and the android robot was back to his normal self.

Yet, my GPS wouldn't lock to save my life. Hmmm. So I thought, no big deal, I will just use the KP500 tool to restore VS920ZV9_02.S9_02.P58020.R5.cab via putting my Spectrum into DownloadMode. This cab also restores basebands so I figured all good.

GPS still wouldn't lock to save anybody's life. :( I went into CWM and installed ZIP from sdcard and selecting the zv7 baseband... Installed perfectly, reboot & no GPS. Tried installed zv8 baseband... still no GPS.

Before originally installing CWM for the first time, I used dd to backup all the block devices that would be modified by the pwm spectrum all in wonder rooting tool (script is fixed by only placing following under :ROOT, "call PG_ICS_ROOT\windows-install.bat").

I ran the script from the top of this message followed by a reboot. Finally, GPS locks within 15 / 25 seconds of running Google Maps.

So thats the whole story.
Hope this saves other some time.

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