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Help Which ringtones let phone ring the longest?


Nov 22, 2010
Anybody have any favorites or opinions on standard or Zedge/RingDroid ringtones that let the phone ring the longest? Apparently, the ringer is supposed to sound for 23 seconds (per Sprint), but it seems that the sound time is dependent on which ringtone is selected. A few ringtones I have tried from Zedge don't ring as long and I don't have time to grab the phone to answer it! A few others from Zedge seem to ring a lot longer. I need a change from "Steel Drums" from Zedge (before I fall into a daydream that I'm actually IN Jamaica). Thanks!
Sadly, I don't have any songs I like enough to put as the ringer on my phone (i.e. make my own). I prefer instrumental type sounds...but the steel drums had to go after a few months! I loaded "Perfect Ringtone" and "Super Sound" from Zedge, but they don't ring long enough (the steel drums went on for quite a while!).
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