okay im not gona have a data plan, just a normal 3 yr plan with only voice and text. so im guessing some widgets will cost me per minute of use or per update as it happens? (update as it happens im guessing i'll be charged for)
My Advice to you is NOT to get the Desire. I'd go for a blackberry instead if you want a smartphone with no data. Sprint and AT&T (Not sure about the others) here in the US, MAKES their customers who purchase android devices and iPhones get the data plans because in truth, it will be cheaper to the customer to have.
Google (AN INTERNET COMPANY) produced a mobile OS that is heavily centered around being able to connect to the internet. Here's an example:
You buy an Android phone, like the desire with no data plan, so you will be charged per use (possibly per KB or MB). The widgets (if they are on your home screen) need to connect to the internet automatically to grab the latest weather, news and location info. the voice to txt feature uses cloud services (aka the internet) to translate. lots of free apps need access to the internet to get the latest ads to display. Google search, google goggles, shazam, and every barcode scanner app needs access to the internet to get the date they need in order to work. Furthermore, it needs to sync your email, contacts and calendar from Google. This could end up being very costly with no data package.
Again, if you have NO DESIRE (pun intended) for these features on your phone, simply get a Black Berry. They are good at what they are supposed do and don't have as many internet intensive apps.
Now, if you do want the Android experience but don't want an expensive data package, get the lowest tiered data package that your cell provider offers and set your news widgets to update Daily. You might not want to use a weather widget since this needs to update more often to keep you with the latest info. Set your gmail to update manually and not PUSH the email to you. As long as you are not constantly downloading apps like crazy and using the web browser very often, you should be fine.
Again, I must re-iterate, there is almost no point in getting an Android phone without a data plan.