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Would you switch?


Android Enthusiast
I have a gnex but funny thing happened last night. I dreamed I exchanged my gnex for a razormaxx. I saw that ICS is on its way..... and I'm really getting tired of this battery thang.
Wacha think... and I love that there is a lap dock for the rmaxx and not gnex
Really helps with just having one laptop @ home....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
You could try an extended battery for the G Nex.

Would I? For my wants n needs..yea. Depends on your wants n needs. Also depends on if you will like the change going from the G Nex to the Razr Maxx. Especially if you are into custom ROMs. Alot easier to do on the G Nex.

Custom ROMs, kernels can also help with battery life.

I'm sure this thread could turn into the pros n cons of each.....real quick...so I wont start it off....lol. I will give the accessories nod to Motorola tho. Maybe I did just start it off....:(
It would be interesting to see a poll on this... of course, you're in a Nexus forum, so it would likely be very lopsided.

I, however, would not switch. With the exception of the OG Droid, Motorola has been notorious for (a) making promises it fails to keep on time; (b) locking down their bootloaders; and (c) packing their phones with enough bloatware to choke a horse.

Having experienced pure vanilla Android since November 2009, you can call me spoiled if you like: but I wouldn't give up my Nexus for anything currently on the market (I am sandbagging ONE upgrade on my family line to see what superphones come out around the holidays this year. If I like, I'll pick something up and swap around upgrades to get a new phone every year ;) ).

My 0.02 :)
I have extended battery from vrzn. All the roms are "the same". Sorta very vanilla. Need themes. I would do miui but can't stand the apps are not in alph order on screen. Alt drawer is ok back when I was on X...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
I have extended battery from vrzn. All the roms are "the same". Sorta very vanilla. Need themes. I would do miui but can't stand the apps are not in alph order on screen. Alt drawer is ok back when I was on X...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

I wouldn't change. the Maxx is kinda ugly...i liked the regular razr, but with the extra bulk, huge bezel (my biggest gripe with those phones) lower res screen, and locked bootloader....there is just no way i could do that.

that is just me. i have a tablet, i have a laptop, i have a desktop, i have my phone, i have a charger everywhere i am, and i have an extra battery to swap in when i dont have that charger.

but if you want to minimize your electronics and clutter...the maxx may be the way to go.
I have extended battery from vrzn. All the roms are "the same". Sorta very vanilla. Need themes. I would do miui but can't stand the apps are not in alph order on screen. Alt drawer is ok back when I was on X...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

It sounds like you are bored with the Nexus and the vanilla Android experience more than anything else. If that is the case then there are some non-vanilla ROMs in the works. I've seen a few Alpha and Beta Sense, Touchwiz and Blur 4.0 ROMs being worked on so those may work for you once they are complete. I'm actually a little interested in the Sense roms I've seen, it looks like the HTC One.

Of course none of this will help you with a lapdock and may or may not change the battery life on the phone.
If battery is the main thing, then you can get another extended battery or carry the charger. That is if you are not fan of tweaking setting and/or managing battery hog apps. It's ultimately up to you whether stay or switch.

Really this is a rare time that Verizon has some great phones to choose from and you can't go too wrong with any of them. Soon the next wave of super-phones from big three (HTC, Samsung, Motorola) are coming. So I'd wait a few months at least before deciding.
If battery is the main thing, then you can get another extended battery or carry the charger. That is if you are not fan of tweaking setting and/or managing battery hog apps. It's ultimately up to you whether stay or switch.

Really this is a rare time that Verizon has some great phones to choose from and you can't go too wrong with any of them. Soon the next wave of super-phones from big three (HTC, Samsung, Motorola) are coming. So I'd wait a few months at least before deciding.

I sure hope we see the One X and GSIII at VZW. I have my concerns.
There is no way in hell I would switch this phone for any other phone out there. Unless it had a screen as big as the note and had ICS already on the phone with the nav buttons. "hardware" buttons are horrible IMO now with ics roms you can customize them how you like them or are used to
Before I bought the Nexus I was an HTC fan. I loved sense. Rooted my incredible and loved it. Now after experiencing vanilla android I could not go back to a phone with anything but vanilla. Also I love the nav buttons being software. I use a full screen mod so I don't have any nav buttons on my screen at all and I love it.
Before I bought the Nexus I was an HTC fan. I loved sense. Rooted my incredible and loved it. Now after experiencing vanilla android I could not go back to a phone with anything but vanilla. Also I love the nav buttons being software. I use a full screen mod so I don't have any nav buttons on my screen at all and I love it.

Same here, but I did not like sense. I always ran cyanogenmod because the very first phone I had was a hacked rom on my touch pro2. Loved the vanilla feel on there so I've always wanted that.
I wouldn't switch. I have 2 extended batteries that I got when they were 50% off, so I have no "battery thing." If I had the RazrMaxx I would have a locked bootloader that I can't do anything about, but with the GNex I have a "battery thing" that I easily solved. Root and let root!
I don't have direct experience with the Maxx but now that I have stock ICS I will NEVER go back to a manufacturers UI again. Also the software nav buttons are essential. I played with my wife's Rezound to get some settings tweaked for her last night, and now I can't stand all those buttons and overlays. Folder shortcuts are terrible, it's just plain tedious. I hope the ICS update helps with that but we'll see how overbearing Sense is. I think the software nav keys on the GNex is Google trying to steer manufacturers away from all the hefty/gaudy UIs. They're unnecessary and make updates harder to implement. Stock ICS is the only thing close to the "simple/sophisticated" iOS experience and ultimately far superior.
Before I bought the Nexus I was an HTC fan. I loved sense. Rooted my incredible and loved it. Now after experiencing vanilla android I could not go back to a phone with anything but vanilla. Also I love the nav buttons being software. I use a full screen mod so I don't have any nav buttons on my screen at all and I love it.
Where would I get the full screen mod? I'm using Patent Zero M1

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
There are many places. I use the liquid from and it has the full screen option. I then use the lmt launcher which gives me my nav buttons in a pie chart on the side like in the stock browser. But you can go to the 2nd topic in the root section and find the different roms that contain the full screen. I never use the nav buttons on the bottom anymore. I love the extra screen real estate.
The day I upgraded I walked into Verizon thinking I was getting a Maxx. After playing with the display phones for about 30 minutes I walked out with the nexus, and have no desire what so ever for another phone.
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