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  • It's new technology which is not as secure as PCs, and there are numerous users that have no clue how to be safe and secure or even the ability to recognize when their device has been compromised. In November, one report stated that since July of this year, Android malware was up by 472%. Yeah, their network is secure and there is nothing on my phone (nor on yours) that I should concern myself with.

    Your comrade in victimization,

    Macs didn't catch many viruses because the number of Macs were extremely low. If you're going to fishing, you are going to cast off into the area with the most fish, not into the place that hardly have any fish. Thus, hackers focused on Windows based PCs because there were more users to cast their nets around. Well, Mac users have increased, and so have the number of attacks against Macs and the number of viruses affecting Macs have also increased. Now, everybody and their grandparents are using smart-phones. Recent estimates place the number of cell-phones sold each DAY is around 160,000!!!
    I know my phone is spying on me for certain "people", but when I do not know who else is spying on me, I don't feel comfortable. I shouldn't pay money to feel that way. Also, it is unsettling not knowing what their intentions may be. It is unacceptable when these activities interfere with all of the services for which I am paying. Then, you have all of these "zombies" which make me wonder about that whole trend. With the onslaught of all of these MAJOR cyber attacks against big corporations and governmental branches, I can't help but wonder if there is something right around the corner, and I think that perhaps cell-phones might be a key element to a lot of these attacks.
    It is ludicrous that I am still using it.....like I said, I like it when it functions properly, and I guess I am just hoping that things will improve magically some day soon. I am willing to pay for what I am allegedly paying for......but not for all of this mess.

    I have much I could say, and I realize I've rambled too much on here. It's late and I'm tired and pissed at my phone.

    If you have any information you can share with me, then please do.......plus, feel free to ask me any question you like. I will attempt to provide a sincere answer.
    I have given up on the XBOX360 because of a similar situation (defective product, no service nor help that actually amounts to anything, and a constant hand stretched out asking for more and more money) and I am on the threshold of tossing my Windows out the window and learning to use Linux. I will go the same route with the smart-phone and Android. I like these products when they function properly, but I do not need them. Why should I pay over four-hundred dollars in new phones within six months and increase my plan rate twice which costs me an extra three-hundred dollars each year for services which are not being rendered (my old phones performed much better when they were not smart), for all of this stress, for loss of sleep, for friction between long distance friends, and for loss of communication which could have unforeseen and unknown consequences. Why should I pay so much extra for more headaches??
    I've been waiting to return to them until I can get my experiences somewhat documented....which would include a list and description of all issues, a journal of those events I managed to write about, and a boatload of screen shots. I want to be able to go in with evidence to which they can not contradict , nor deny, to see what they are really willing to do for me. None of them (carrier, manufacturer, nor Google (OS devlopers)) are willing to admit that there are any issues or even that it is a possibility that even one of these issues could exist.
    The best I have received thus far is that they wanted to charge me twenty bucks for a new phone (only about 8 days old at that point). What an incredibly insulting joke that was. I informed them that I was not going to be giving them any additional money for "solutions" that I knew would not work. They then wanted to change my phone number, after I have had the same number for over eight years, and again I informed them that this would not resolve anything for me. They claimed they wanted to help, but they had to start somewhere. So, I agreed to having my number changed and miss who knows how many calls from old friends, only to confirm my suspicion that a new phone number would not alleviate any of my problems.
    When I first heard about Carrier IQ, I was almost certain I would discover it on my phone, but nope. Regardless, of Verizon stating they do not use it and other companies claiming they have nothing to do with it, how am I suppose to know if my carrier (and others), instead of using Carrier IQ, might use similar software.

    All I know, is that my phone has grown progressively worse. The glitches (or bugs) I am experiencing are not normal....and everybody wants to point the finger at each other or at me.
    Just a real short answer that did not feel sincere in the slightest, and then the forum would be closed to further comments. Very fishy to me! The last result I received frequently would be to get an incredibly intense warning (full screen with flashing lights) of how the website I was attempting to link to was a known malware or virus site and how I should not even access those pages no matter how secure my system was or no matter how powerful my anti-virus software was. I have never seen any warnings previously with such intensity, nor have I witness them with such a frequent reoccurrence. I felt as if someone was trying to prevent me from gaining any reliable information regarding these menus (apps, software, programs...whatever terminology you wish to use).
    When I first began researching these hiddenmenus, the results were strange and atypical. I could find very little information regarding these specifically; most of the search-engine hits were on foreign websites. The few pages I found in forums appeared and felt bogus. Someone would post a sincere question regarding these menus and they would receive replies such as it being spyware used by cia because they probably downloaded child porn and that they should duct-tape their phone to a stray dog and take a flight out of the country to Thailand........or they would receive no reply at all......or, the one that did not sit right with me at all, there would be one short reply from a single user to the basis of "there is nothing to worry about, it is nothing, it's merely developers leftover remnants of having fun (WTF??), just ignore it and go back to using a nice little cancer-causing, location tracking, pattern-forming, spying device.
    I've caught zipped files downloading onto my phone which are in Russian and appear to have some kind of log in it referring to rooting cell phones. I've been booted off websites for flooding their pages with too many requests (Now, granted one of the sites actually informed me that perhaps it is not my phone's ip address that is blocked, but rather a range of addresses tied to one specific carrier. Okay, so I have my roommate, who uses the same carrier, attempt to visit these sites. Guess what? No issues. No ban. Full access. Therefore, it is not my carrier, but my phone's ip address (still need to check to see if my phone's ip is static or dynamic though)). I have had all kinds of unacceptable, stress-inducing experiences with my phone (I should add here that I have used the same carrier about eight years without having a single issue). .....
    My carrier claims their network is 100% secure (WHAT AN IGNORANT STATEMENT!!!), and then turn around and inform me that they have never seen the things which are on my phone, once again stating it is not possible for anyone to gain access to my phone nor my account......and when I inquire about why something is accessing and creating VPNs on my phone when I have no apps with permission to do this, their response was (keep in mind that they stated their network is 100% secure) that they did not know what a VPN is. What a joke!!! ......
    I'm not buying it on the so-called story of those hidden menus. I have the same ones on my device. Also, I have double icons for camera, photo gallery, calendar, car & home....and I have nothing but strange behavior since day one on my phone.....which penetrates almost every aspect of the phone: voice talk, voice-mail, text messaging (both sms and mms), gmail, online browsing, music streaming, on and on.

    My phone constantly freezes and reboots. I miss phone calls and never receive any notifications. I never receive some texts from my friends and vice versa, email included. Some days the battery drains extremely fast without any logical explanation....at least from typical scenarios (I have my own feelings regarding this and have discovered others online who confirm this for me: it is something that should not be happening).

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