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  • Hi. I just read your thread. I feel really bad for you and keeping you in prayers. Please understand that this was no way your fault that this happened or that your husband disliked you, as that seems to be the common misunderstanding in these kind of situations. I wish you the best of luck from Birmingham, Alabama.

    I just found this forum after reading your story on Northescambia. I wanted to tell you that my heart bleeds for you. I have a young son and couldn't imagine the pain you must have felt and still feel today. You are an inspiration and I'll bet your beautiful baby boy would be so proud of you.

    What a beatiful son you had. Thank you for sharing his pictures with us. Your story moved me to tears.

    I don't really know what to say, except I will keep you in my prayers tomorrow. If you need anything, to talk, vent, whatever, you are welcome to message me. I'm truly sorry for what you are going through and wish you the best...
    I just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers. I work for a nonprofit that hosts a prayer vigil on the afternoon of each Alabama execution. I was researching the story and found this. During the vigil we will read scripture and we will pray for your poor baby in heaven and for you and your family. We will also pray for Christopher, that he can make peace with God before his execution.

    I hope you do not mind me contacting you but my heart is breaking for you. If you would like to send me something to read on your behalf at the vigil, I would be happy to. I would like to share what you wrote on your post about normally being opposed to capital punishment but (understandably) not is this case. I can be reached at thequestforsj@bellsouth.net. Our webpage is Questforjustice.org. Peace and grace to you, Denise Moore
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