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Recent content by IOWA

  1. IOWA

    Rise users, can someone dig up some build prop values for me?

    I'm looking for everything with a prefix of ro., such as ro.build.PDA TIA!
  2. IOWA

    Root [Sprint] OTA Update 07/08/13 - Bootloader is NOT locked, and is rootable. More info soon!

    If you're rooted, don't accept the update if you plan on keeping root. Predictably it does break root, and there are unconfirmed rumors of a locked bootloader. I'll keep this post updated about the OTA as I learn more. UPDATE: So far so good. It appears both rootable and the secure boot has...
  3. IOWA

    Root Linaro - Could make ICS much MUCH faster.

    Check this out, it's supposedly making it's way to CM9, let's hope it gets put into stock Android. Linaro improvements to Android 4.0.4 performance on the Pandaboard TI OMAP4430 platform - YouTube Thoughts?
  4. IOWA

    [Over] Droid Bionic Lapdock still available for $89.99

    $79.99 + $4.99 to ship. I've purchased from these guys many times, it's legit. Droid Bionic Lapdock ~ ~ ~ ~ Update After Thread Merge ~ ~ ~ ~ All, I merged this thread with a smaller, but very similar thread that reports this deal can still be had for $89.99 shipped. See this post...
  5. IOWA

    Accessories PM sent to product test from BlakeRearthUSA

    Anyone else get it?
  6. IOWA

    Power Control Plus ... anyone use it?

    And if you do, what DOESN'T work?
  7. IOWA

    Samsung Moment data lock - breaches FCC rules - Class action lawsuit.

    Sprint Samsung Moment Data LockUp | Facebook Also, i suggest people start filling out complaints here at the FCC: FCC Consumer Complaints SInce the moment can't dial 911 during lockup, it's in breach of FCC rules & regs.
  8. IOWA

    Root Video Guide: How to root Samsung Moment, And add WiFi Hotspot + Themes

    YouTube - How to root Samsung Moment, w/ WiFi tether(hotspot) & themes You may want to view in full screen.
  9. IOWA


    HTC EVO 4G (Sprint) GET IT NOW - I'll ship by monday - eBay (item 270582102677 end time May-21-10 19:00:59 PDT) http://cgi.ebay.com/HTC-EVO-4G-Sprint-Nextel-/260606977279?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Cell_Phones&hash=item3cad62e4ff#ht_500wt_1154
  10. IOWA

    Help (sigh) Airplane mode still here after official update...

    Yup... Just got the airplane mode bug after using wifi, and I'm on DE03. Oh well, guess I'll just have to start bitchin to Sprint.
  11. IOWA

    Any open letter to Sprint coming against the $10 premium charge for the eVo.

    Yep. read the title. I'd like for us to put together a letter, and once it's created we'll post it on all the sprint/android/evo forums we can think of. People can then copy/paste the letter and send it from their email address to dan hesse and that other PR guy. Maybe if we flood them with...
  12. IOWA

    no visual voicemail on G1?

    I just noticed theres no visual voicemail on the G1, and it has android 1.6 ... which is supposed to be an upgrade of 1.5, which my samsung moment has, and DOES have visual voicemail! So why doesnt the G1 have visual voicemail? What handsets dont have it?
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