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Recent content by MadNine

  1. MadNine

    Song Titles A-Z

    Well, Well, Well - Lucinda Williams (also a song by Duffy)
  2. MadNine

    Song Titles A-Z

    Up, Up and Away - The 5th Dimension
  3. MadNine

    Song Association Game

    The Longest Time - Billy Joel
  4. MadNine

    First word that comes to mind

  5. MadNine

    Free word association

  6. MadNine

    Funny/Creative Video Clips

    I was offered this on You Tube. Not a series / franchise I watch much any longer. This though is one of the best things I've ever watched. I don't think there is any trickery. She is absolutely amazing. No muscle cramping, so very fit. Worth staying to the end. From Italy :
  7. MadNine

    Happy Saint Patrick's Day

    I forgot all about it. Monday is not a good day for it to fall on. Grew up and lived there until age 27.
  8. MadNine

    The Punny Side of Life

    Whoever writes some of these synopses on a TV app needs a big raise. Honestly, the sky is the limit!
  9. MadNine

    Fatalities 2025

    Possibly electrical burns in the kitchen? I'm sure he and his family wouldn't mind the little quip. He was a boxer with some punch! Very sad. Rest in Peace, George.
  10. MadNine

    Song Titles A-Z

    Goodbye Stranger - Supertramp
  11. MadNine

    Song Association Game

    Young Hearts Run Free - Candi Staton
  12. MadNine

    Song Association Game

    Walking On The Moon - The Police
  13. MadNine

    Song Titles A-Z

    Kiss and Say Goodbye - The Manhattans
  14. MadNine

    First word that comes to mind

  15. MadNine

    Free word association

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