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  • G'day Anna, got into the Dr Who thread today (too many threads, not enough htime!) and saw your post re cancer. Saw you were logged on earlier today and hope it's gone again. TBH I've missed all of the Dr for the last few years as I 'went off' watching TV. I spend more time going to see local bands around Sydney, videoing them and posting to yootoob. Here's a sample from last year I've only just been given permission to make public: Gang of Brothers "Going to The Pub" - YouTube

    Back to the Dr though, I will get around to buying all the recent series soon. Surprised you know about the taping over of early episodes, did you know some 'lost' episodes were found in Australia some years later? (not sure when, but probably twenty years or so ago). I won't rave on any longer, must get back and finish reading the thread and then get back into editing more of my backlog of unedited video...

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