Just wanted to make sure everyone saw this. Its an AWESOME app. Just did a test stream and it worked perfectly!
elpeterson on Justin.tv
Justin.tv Broadcaster - Android app on AppBrain
If you are having trouble connecting to Wifi or BT or GPS and you have Tasker, the app is probably causing the issue.
Tasker, even with no profiles active, still does WiFi Scan & BT scans and will shut both off if nothing is found within the specified limit. Unfortuntely, the default setting...
I HIGHLY recommend the BlueAnt T1
-Answer/Ignore calls with Voice
-Amazing contact name recognition
-Crazy clear voice (from caller and called)
-Automatically reads texts & senders name
-Made for Android 2.0+ device
-Not a big deal for most, but the voices that speak to you vary between...
XDA Thread: [ROM] Cyanogen 6.1.0 Stable Release
All main issues should be reported at the thread above. But I'll keep this updated here.
CyanogenMod is a free, community built distribution of Android 2.2 (Froyo) which greatly extends the capabilities of your...
Just wanted to talk about what my Incredible did for me this weekend.
It was my sisters birthday this weekend in Boston (im originally from here). I haven't made the drive in awhile and needed to keep checking in with my brother in order to get up there quickly, its a good 6 hour drive. I...
Sometimes, well actually a lot of the time, when I flash a new ROM after wiping down the entire phone I find that after signing into Google in the beginning stages of the activation that suddenly apps begin appearing.
I've found that if I skip the Google integration setup until after the...
tried loading the Droid 2 Keyboard I have onto IncDoes Sense v0.8.1 and I get FC every time.
Anybody have any other APKs that have worked or that I could try??
Much appreciated
Running MIUI v3 and realize there isnt a calendar widget.
I heard good stuff about Pure Calendar widget but i was looking for other opinions before I committed.
What is your calendar of choice, keep in mind I need to find one I can download so stock calendars are out of the question.
I'm not sure if this needs to be in the Support/TroubleShooting section or in the All Things Root Section. Mods, feel free to move.
Anyone know where I can get some detailed instructions for creating a SD Ext 4 partition? Is this something easy to do in Windows? I'm running Ubuntu mainly so...
Not freaking out yet. But I can't get my phone out of the boot cylce.
I rooted last night after getting my phone back from HTC, did unrevoked forever too. Everything went smoothly. Installed Cyanogen 6.0.2 and things were going alright but a lot of stuff was just not working well.
So I...
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