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Recent content by TateWatkins

  1. TateWatkins

    Help A better "people" app?

    Is there any applications out that are more customizable than the default people application? It is so annoying having it load all my contacts from google (around 850), some are people i may have emailed once many many years ago. I wish for a more simple application where i don't have to...
  2. TateWatkins

    Help htc provider error

    Same as this issue: http://androidforums.com/htc-droid-eris/53504-com-htc-provider-has-stopped.html I seem to be getting the error pop up many times a day. anyone else getting it?
  3. TateWatkins

    Help message notifications

    Does anyone else get the problem where you get a text message through, you read the text message and you still have a notification for it showing up even though it's now read?
  4. TateWatkins

    Android 2.1

    Well i've read up Hero will be getting 2.1, so will we?
  5. TateWatkins

    Help content lock won't bugger off

    I turned it off online, tried going to the Market and it says it's on, so i call the 1818 number and that also says it is off, yet the Market still thinks it is on, shall i wait till tomorrow or is it a bug?
  6. TateWatkins

    anyone else noticed this./

    Has anyone else noticed the actual handset speaker (not the speaker on the back, the normal hold to your head to talk bit, whatever its called) steadily gets quieter as the G1 gets older, damn annoying.
  7. TateWatkins

    save image from message?

    My friend sent me a text message with an image of me and him in it, how exactly can i get that out the message and onto my sd? Seems to be no option :(
  8. TateWatkins

    Ruined it already hah!

    I am glad i see the funny side of things, my fone is pretty much ruined cracks all over the screen...still useable though :D. Wonder how much a screen repair will cost me in the UK?
  9. TateWatkins

    Help Messages sometimes go to wrong place

    Hard to describe but an example. I say to someone "yeah got any good films?" and they reply to it, yet the reply shows before my text asking. My phone keeps doing it!
  10. TateWatkins


    How exactly do i find out if i need to download rc29? My phone says i have TC5-RC7, but the updates on this site are for TC4?
  11. TateWatkins

    Help How to get XP to play with it?

    When i plug mine into XP it has no idea what to do with it. Is their something i need to do on my phone? Or a driver i need to install?
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