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  • Hey man! can i have some help with my phone? figured youre prolly one of the best options i know of :)
    Ask on the forum. I don't check this page that often
    can you please help, i am repeatedly getting No Sim card message, is there any pointer for this kind of issue
    no problem! I knew it wasn't going to boot, but I've been planning on trying to port ubuntu touch for shits and giggles and I figured I should at least learn a bit about what goes into the process, and having a working cm 10.1 would make it go a lot smoother.
    E/dalvikvm( 228): dlopen("/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so") failed: Cannot load library: soinfo_link_image(linker.cpp:1673): could not load library "libstagefright.so" needed by "libmedia_jni.so"; caused by soinfo_relocate(linker.cpp:1013): cannot locate symbol "_ZN7android16CameraParameters27PIXEL_FORMAT_ANDROID_OPAQUEE" referenced by "libstagefright.so"...

    I think this is where the problem is coming from
    hey, I've been playing with your github for the fx3 cyanogenmod port, and I found you can enable adb including logcat by adding "persist.sys.usb.config=accessory,adb" to the end of your build.prop. looks like it's bootlooping at media.player and media.audio_flinger. I don't know if that helps but just wanted to give you a shout. keep up the good work
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