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why my phone gets different time to charge to full


Hi, it is weird.
Normal current is available in all my plugs used for charging.
but i find it peculiar that it takes some times to charge 5 hours to become fully charged and at some times it takes normal three hours.
i bought the phone on 2016. i changed the charger usb and battery to new ones from samsung service centre and approved dealers and confirmed the genuinity of the products.
Why it is so? how to check, if my board is working properly all times. give clues
It would depend on what's running in the background. If the charger is pushing 2A while the phone is drawing 500mA it will take longer to charge than if the phone is only pulling 100mA.
It would depend on what's running in the background. If the charger is pushing 2A while the phone is drawing 500mA it will take longer to charge than if the phone is only pulling 100mA.
Hi, Could you elaborate your answer a little more. Do you mean, the background browsers and applilcations running in the background. i closed all and still it is the problem.
Hi, could you say little more , on how to completely free all background processes used so that i could check. Yes , i am using the samsung 5v2a battery charger. how sometimes it charges normally is not known to me.
please give a clue . is it connected with motherboard issues. i do not have any problemregarding al other things.
The only thing I can say is other things may be consuming battery while it is charging. You receive a phone call (which wakes the screen), get a text, some app update in the background. Killing tasks or using a task killer will only make it worse as Android will load apps in the background to backfill the freed memory because in android free memory is wasted memory.
Ok, then what is the solultion. it charges normal at some times.
I now use a android app called charging tester , which informs the low power supply or sufficient power supply. if i plug and get sufficient power alert, the carger gets charged in usual 2.6 hours . but, if i get alert say low power supply, then it takes about 5 hours.
Eventhough, i am sure that there is something , i do not know what makes the phone charges sometimes normally and at some other time , very slowly.
I asked the developer, why and how it alerts such things. The developer say, the supply is normal but the mA has to be looked in to to get fast charge or slow charge from app alerts.
i checked , if it alerts low, the mA is around 340 and if it shows sufficient, it is around 850 to 900 mA near to i amp.
That sounds like your charger is outputting different amperage amounts (if the charging tester app is accurate).
That sounds like your charger is outputting different amperage amounts (if the charging tester app is accurate).
Should i check the newly bought charger at the service centre .it is brand new and bought it two months back from samsung service centre


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This appears to be a matter where you are expecting an exact, fixed charging time but that just can't happen. There are simply far too many variables involved. Plus, the charging process of any smartphone battery is not going to be a linear process.
-- The older a smartphone battery gets, the longer it will take to re-charge. A battery will produce electrical power through a chemical process, and it's an inevitable, unavoidable thing for that process to eventually degrade over time. (... that's simplistic phrasing, a better, more detailed explanation below)
-- Different power sources will be supplying different amounts of power, so the more dated USB 2 port on a computer will only be able to provide up to 1/2 an amp/5 volts while a third-party power adapter will typically be able to provide at least 2 amps/5 volts, often more and the same goes for USB 3.x ports. The issue being the 2000mAh battery in your J2 will theoretically be able to use up to 2 amps of current during the charging process so it will take a longer period of time to charge your phone up when using a USB 2 port since it is only able to supple a relatively limited amount of power. The more power available will lesson the amount of time needed.
-- The more depleted your battery is every day, the longer it will take to re-charge it. If its down to 25% that will require more charging time than if it's only at 70%.
Hi, Unforgiven, \
Your clue is correct. i just took in to service centre and asked to recheck the charger. with the usb cable. He checked with other phone, and found that there is problem in new usb cable.. He asked me to wait for a few days for replacement of charger with cable.
I said, i approached so many forums and the latest advice i got it , to change my wiring all together.,I also told him to check the output amperage continuously for few minutes. He says that voltage is not an issue but the device has some issues.
i am waiting for the replacement. thanks for unforgiven to touch upon fluctuation in amperage
Could any one give how the charging takes place, i read about something interest . particularly these lines
-- The older a smartphone battery gets, the longer it will take to re-charge. A battery will produce electrical power through a chemical process, and it's an inevitable, unavoidable thing for that process to eventually degrade over time. (... that's simplistic phrasing, a better, more detailed explanation below)
I would love to hear more on that.
Whatever the chemical process, the amperage that we would be constantly getting will be near to 2 mps.
is there a mechanism inbuilt in my phone mother board that it should charge at certain speed or it is up to the battery to take the required amperage.
Do every phone has a set pattern, to charge up to 40 percent at this amperage, and then reduce and increase again to reach 100 percent.
Hi, Got a new charger and usb and it is working fine.
Experts, i have one more doubt regarding charging
Though my charger is capable of giving 2 amps aoutput, it always shows less than 1 amp of flow, when i checked with the charging tester app, which app has given the clue for slow charging . Now i get sufficient power supply alert on all plug points and there is no problem in power supply.
Why this is so? i
are there any restrictions imposed in my andoid OS or in connected hardware points in the mother board that it should only take this much of charge flow?
The answer to this question would benefit more people, who may not know that there is problem in charger or in usb or in battery.
Are there any contolling mechanism in the device, here phone, to restrict the flow or is the battery taking its own charge pattern . I think that battery is only a storing and discharging current in android
hi, is there any role for andoid phone's board (mother board ) in charging activity of phone.
Or is it charger and battery that are related while charging the android phone
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