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[FREE][GAME] Terra I, an Earth defense game


Let me introduce my very first published game, Terra I

Terra I is a free 2D Earth Defense game with elements of management available exclusively on Android machines.
If you are a story-person, then the campaign mode is for you. On the other hand, if you are a casual gamer, Terra I has an endless mode too.
With achievements and leaderboards to keep track of your progress, Terra I offers a substantial replaying merits.


Defend Earth from the Haedan's attack with your arsenal of high-tech VeLoRaMs (Very Long Range Missiles).
Mars colonies were leveled. Terra I is our only defence against the impending onslaught. Intercepts enemy VeLoRaMs with yours while working on a way to destroy the enemy's ship.
Waves and waves of relentless enemy attacks
Research and armory management
Terrifying enemy drones and mothership
Three different difficulty levels
Achievements and leaderboards
Endless modes

Get it here free on Google Play

Hi guys,

How are you doing?

For those endless mode lovers out there, have you tried the Terra I's endless modes?
There are three endless modes available to provide you with unlimited adrenaline rush.
Compete with your friends to get the highest score in these modes while unlocking achievements.


What's more, you can give your suggestions and ideas on new endless modes and I might add it into the game!

Do you know what this is?

Answer (spoilers):
** This is Mara! **

The name of this behemoth is a tribute to a ship which design I'm particularly fond of. It is found in the old gem space battle-sim, Freespace 2.
(Shout out for Freespace fans around here!)
It's also mean "march forward" in Malay language, an apt name for this ship.
Thanks to the feedback that I have received, I'm doing a major overhaul on the game. It will be a huge update to 1.3.0. Stay tune.
Hey peeps,

Sorry for the inactivity for the past few weeks. Been working hard to revamp Terra I.
Guess what, Terra I v2.0.0 is now finished... more or less. It's basically in beta testing stage.

As to why I've decided to put the version as 2.0.0 rather than 1.3.0 is because I've completely revamped a lot of stuff.
Some static sprites have been upgraded to animations, and I've streamlined the entire code to increase efficiency and adding content while reducing the app size.
So, I supposed 1.3.0 won't do justice to this new version.

So, stay tuned for the update soon.

Happy Labour Day!

In conjunction with Labour Day, Terra I version 2 is released.
Major updates include:
  • Added particle visuals so that explosions are now more aesthetically compelling. Besides that, game objects now are leaving a trail of particles to map their trajectory.
  • Since I've cleaned all the codes, I've manage to find and fix all the hidden bugs that affect some variables and parameters.
  • Space background are not procedural-ly generated. In another words, there will be a lot more variation in the background shown. And the best part of it? The background components take smaller space leading to a smaller app.
  • Many sprites and UI have been revamped. Some are even changed into animation to increase the aesthetic value of the game.
  • No more a sound spike or beep when opening the game.
  • Best of all, Ads presence are significantly reduced!
    • Banner ads is now appearing only in one screen. (From 8 to 1).
    • Interstitial ads frequency is drastically reduced.
Look at all these glittering particles

Happy playing

Terra I has now been updated to v2.1.0
Cinematics have been added so that the campaign story is now more engaging.
Besides that, various bugs have been fix.

Next update would include a multiplayer mode as suggested but it might take some time to be implemented.

Hi folks,

Terra I has been updated to v2.1.1 with:
-Minor bug fix
-A loading screen for when the game resume
-A button (in achievement) for login for those who had missed it when the game first started

Have a good day,
Dear all,

A fatal bug involving the particle system was found.
Besides that, pausing and resuming the game (android level) can apparently reset the level.

Both of them are fixed now in the new update v2.1.2.
Due to the lack of beta testing, such obvious bugs are released to production. I've only myself to be blame. Sorry folks.
Hope you will enjoy the newest version and feel free to report any bug that might appear in the future.

Dear all,

Terra I has been updated to v2.1.3 with a minor bug fixed.
The bug involves the special VeLoRaM where they generate its special field as well as a conventional explosion upon reaching its target. This is undesirable as it generally destroy more of their own VeLoRaMs. This issue has now been fixed.

Happy playing.
A good day (or night) for some,

Terra I has just passed its 100 installs threshold.
I just want to thank you all for your support.

I hope that you enjoyed it :D

Dear all,

I know I have been suspiciously quiet for some time now. This is because I'm working on a new game, a mathematical puzzle game named "Neten".
It's now mostly complete. Expect it to be published in a day or two.

Hi all,

Here comes my second game that has just been published.
Enter the world of mathematics in Neten.
By using the four basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), obtain a final product of 10.
Sounds easy? Try it yourself.
Neten is a free game that comes with interstitial ads. Don't be disheartened to give it a try though as the frequency of the ad is really really low.
In fact, if the response is good, I might consider making it a paid but ad-less game.

Procedurally generated background that advances with time.
Funky music.
Challenging puzzles.
Minimalist design.
Minimalist UI.
Leaderboard to contest your friends.
No language preferences since there are literally no words in the game (besides my signature). Anyone can play it!


Get it free at:

Hello all,


A completely new Neten version is now available in the Play Store. Neten has been ported to Godot Game Engine with new exciting features:
-Revamped algorithm for a more challenging and less repetitive puzzles.
-Aesthetically pleasing animated low poly background.


-Three different difficulty levels along with new achievements
-UI tweening
-Minimal and less invasive ads

Hope you enjoy it.

Get it for free at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.verogames.neten.android
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