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Apps What is the best programming language for mobile app development?

Java for Android apps.
Apple do things differently and use a language called Swift, previously Objective C.
There are many programming languages available to choose from when developing a mobile app.

1. BuildFire.js
2. Python
3. Java
4. PHP
5. C++


If you plan on choosing a professional app developer or choosing amongst the top app development companies, you should ensure that the developer understands your ideas and can communicate your ideas to the target audience.
Assembly is best because it is closest to machine code.
But why noone use it in mobile application programming?
Because it is not convenient.
So you can use Java or Obj-C, Flutter or Native to create mobile application or any language.
If you are master in it, you can use it better.
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I really enjoy kotlin for Android development. It's packed with new features that make development quick and it's forgiving if you are a new developer
I really enjoy kotlin for Android development. It's packed with new features that make development quick and it's forgiving if you are a new developer
I been reading a lot about the joys of Kotlin, but TBH it kinda aggravates me with this "amp:&&amp.jomamma;amp&amp" stuffs when its supposed to be something else entirely.. :cool: Similar to posting emoji and keyboard symbols with the Forums.apk and read the post later with a browser.. Gets ridiculous trying to re read stuff later. Just my 2¢
I been reading a lot about the joys of Kotlin, but TBH it kinda aggravates me with this "amp:&&amp.jomamma;amp&amp" stuffs when its supposed to be something else entirely.. :cool: Similar to posting emoji and keyboard symbols with the Forums.apk and read the post later with a browser.. Gets ridiculous trying to re read stuff later. Just my 2¢

:D Mate if it ain't broke..
I've yet to hear a reason why I should use Kotlin in preference to Java. Apart from the obvious thing that Google may ditch Java support of course.
But I mean a technical programming reason. Always willing to be convinced if someone can cite a reason.
Go on, someone suggest something. Let's have like, a tech discussion.. anyone..?
I could go on forever about the advantages of Kotlin but I'd be here for a while . I suggest you get Kotlin Development book by big nerd ranch and read it from cover to cover even though half of it you will already be familiar with/ Read it again anyway. You can use number ranges, for example, I had some crazy calculus math to do that was beyond my abilities so instead of figuring out the math which would have taken me a year I just used a random range that got me "CLOSE" enough that the program worked flawlessly. I also programmed hittest without using rect intersect. this is right here is an awesome Kotlin code. var var0 = (0..100).random(). Once you go Kotlin you will fly through building programs and never look back.
kotlin will replace Java its Java on steroids. Heck you can even mix Java and Kotlin together either one will run in JVM not only that but you can export Kotlin as javascript and run it in the browser. Its definately something to hang on the old tool belt
kotlin will replace Java its Java on steroids. Heck you can even mix Java and Kotlin together either one will run in JVM not only that but you can export Kotlin as javascript and run it in the browser. Its definately something to hang on the old tool belt

Yeah definitely, I can see Kotlin gaining popularity, so definitely one to have in the bag.
Mixing Java and Kotlin in the same app, not sure about that one. Yes, possible, but could be a little confusing, and inconsistent. Only reason I can see doing that is for integration purposes, not by design.
kotlin will replace Java its Java on steroids

You could say that about C# too. I know Java has a lot of shortcomings, compared to more modern languages. But the sheer volume of code out there - not just Android apps, but in the web application world, almost guarantees it'll be around for quite some time.
Don't underestimate the impact of inertia when it comes to software systems. To rewrite something, a 'technology refresh', is hugely expensive, and not something that most management will commit to without very good reason.
Oh there is no need to re -write anything but if you want to rapidly create new programs kotlin is a great language to do it with. Code blocks are tiny compared to Java if you want to touch a ui object just type it's name. Want to touch any variable just define it outside all method blocks and it's global ...want to move a method from one .kt file to another just do it it'll still work without refactoring dependant code. Fast I tell you
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Code blocks are tiny compared to Java

Tiny code blocks usually mean the code is more cryptic. Take lambda expressions, yes you can do a lot on one line, but if I have to scratch my head to work out what it's doing, I don't see that as particularly useful. I'm in favour of clear code. That makes it easy to understand, and change. These days modern IDEs virtually write the code for you anyway, with auto completion, so typing can be minimised. Besides, I type pretty fast anyway.

if you want to touch a ui object just type it's name. Want to touch any variable just define it outside all method blocks and it's global

What do you mean by 'global'. Global variables are an anti-pattern when it comes to O-O programming. Encapsulation is a good thing.

...want to move a method from one .kt file to another just do it it'll still work without refactoring dependant code. Fast I tell you

Code refactoring is a standard feature in all good IDEs. It's easy and painless. All references to the method are changed instantly.
Each to their own. Feel free to use whichever programming language you like support for Java isn't going away just my programming style and Kotlin go together really well. I'll continue using Kotlin for Android apps because it really pleases me. One thing you have going for you is Java executes and compiles "faster" Google is working on making Kotlin as fast but it's still being developed. At the end of the day, I'm glad I can write both Java and Kotlin fairly well and fast.
Each to their own. Feel free to use whichever programming language you like support for Java isn't going away just my programming style and Kotlin go together really well. I'll continue using Kotlin for Android apps because it really pleases me. One thing you have going for you is Java executes and compiles "faster" Google is working on making Kotlin as fast but it's still being developed. At the end of the day, I'm glad I can write both Java and Kotlin fairly well and fast.

Oh absolutely. Programming languages are as much down to personal preference and affinity, than technical reasons. I'm just interested in what makes one 'better' than the other, from a technical standpoint. But yeah, it's ultimately down to horses for courses.
Oh absolutely. Programming languages are as much down to personal preference and affinity, than technical reasons. I'm just interested in what makes one 'better' than the other, from a technical standpoint. But yeah, it's ultimately down to horses for courses.

Ive been building on Lineage Source, Soong is pretty amazing. Added an regenerating Ninja file that build assists.
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