Hello friends. I'm using Android Studio. I'm in the process of learning. My English is not very good. I translate with Google Translate. Now I have a question for you. I want to develop a trial app. Only a date will be entered when the application is first opened. For example, 1/1/2020 date. But only this. When the date 1/1/2020 is entered, it will be switched to another interface. Here will enter a name that I have already set. A name like Tom. If the tom name is entered, the system will accept the name correctly and a new interface will be opened. In here video will be played. When the video is finished it will automatically switch to a new screen. How do I make this application? Please help. I have to finish by August 16th. I said my English wasn't very good Please write in a way that I understand when translating with Google Translate. Thank you for your support. Greetings from Turkey.