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Help Loking for a basic word processor


Hi, I am looking for a very simple word processor for my tablet. All I want to do is write text while travelling. Thank you for your suggestions, Brian.
Are you going to have online access most or even part of the time while you're traveling? Word processor apps like Google Docs or Microsoft Word default to having online connectivity so you do need to keep in mind on whether your saving your files locally (just on your mobile device) or into your online account.
There are word processor apps that save your files only to your mobile device but at that point it's really, really important you have some kind of backup solution set up, especially when you're traveling. Depending on your mobile device as long-term storage is a risky approach, if your files only exist on your device and it gets lost, stolen, or damaged, you'll lose those files.
Hi. I took in what you said, svim, and continued searching. I have found exactly what I am looking for: the iA Writer, apparently newly available for Android, which has a wonderful file saving system, whereby I can load files onto my email. They are then in my own hands, immediately available on a PC too and totally secure. Highly recommended.

Just want to point out a couple of things regarding an an app like iA Writer
-- There is a difference between a text editor and a word processor. A text editor is just that, it works with text. A word processor however is more expansive in that it also works with text but also allows the user a lot more formatting options (i.e. changing font size, margins, bold/italic, etc.). A big plus with text files is you can always open them up with any word processor and be able to format things accordingly, with a word processor file you have to always be aware of how you save your files as some are word processors are very proprietary and inclusive (i.e. MS Word .doc files) and some less so (i.e. LibreOffice .odf files). The issue being .txt files can be used as is with almost any text editor or word processor while a word processor file is more limited as not every word processor file type will be fully compatible with any other word processor.
-- Markdown itself is a very, very versatile and popular 'lightweight Markup Language'.

All that said, if you don't care about the extra fluff a word processor can provide and just want fundamentally simple text files, a text editor app will work out just fine. And it's trivially easy to test how your saved .txt files will look in other text editors, word processors, email clients, browsers, etc. as .txt files are so universally viewable. (Also, if bandwidth and online access are factors wherever you're traveling, .txt files will be smaller in file size than word processor files, as any word processor has to include all that additional formatting info.)
Thank you again, svim. As a professional translator, I'm really conversant with all that. It's the tablet that's new to me. And I am totally satisfied with what iA offers: all I want at this point is to record my upcoming Interrail journey to southern Europe. And saving to my gmail (I'm not even sure whether other addresses were included!) clinches it for me.
Further to my last post, I have now discovered all sorts of advanced functionalities in the iA software, which I shall explore while sitting in trains for long hours over the next seven weeks.
With that, my recommendation of iA is now even stronger!
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