SpecExp (Special Expression) Calculator for mathematicians.
With this calculator you can calculate mathematical expressions with fractions, mixed fractions, complex numbers, matrices.
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With this calculator you can calculate mathematical expressions with fractions, mixed fractions, complex numbers, matrices.
- Intuitive input and editing.
- Saving expressions.
- On editor, you can use select, copy, cut, paste for expressions.
- Pinch-To-Zoom
- Copy answer.
- Showing result as decimal or fraction.
- Undo and redo.
- Calculation of mixed, improper fraction and recurring decimal (repeating decimal).
- Operations with matrices, vectors and complex numbers.
- Trigonometric functions: sin, cos, tan, ctan.
-- The calculation of trigonometric functions in degrees and radians. Use symbol ° for input argument as degrees. Input arguments without the degree symbol will be accepted as a radian.
- Inverse trigonometric functions: asin, acos, atan, actan.
- Secant (sec), Cosecant (csc).
- Logarithms: ln, lg, log
-- Ln: natural logarithm.
-- Lg: common logarithm.
- Constants: π, e
- Hyperbolic functions: sh, ch, th, cth
- The square root √, the root of n-th degree ⁿ√, Module | a |, Signum (sign), exponentiation aⁿ.
- Combination, Arrangement, Factorial (!)
- The sum and product elements of the sequence: Σ, П .
- Brackets: ( ) [ ] { }
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