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Google assistant

I got a Samsung A70 with Android 11. I have switched on Google assist to work when the phone is locked and although Google assist does respond to 'hey google' or 'okay google' when the phone is locked I have to physically touch the on-off button to wake the phone up. Google assist is not working when the phone is in standby mode (black screen but still switched on) which defeats the object of having the hands-free hey Google in lock mode. I still have to press the on-off switch, but if just on the active lock screen where it asks for my pin it will work.

Any idea how to fix it and make it work in standby mode?
Check in your Settings >> Notifications menu that the Assistant app is Enabled and then check the Battery menu so Assistant is allowed to keep running in the background.
(.....it can be a handy feature but don't be surprised when your battery's idle power usage takes a little hit. Don't forget the more things you set up to do automatically and continuously that are otherwise kept in a low-power, sleep status, it's your battery that's affected.)
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