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Apps DatePicker accessibility

On Play Console, it asks for accessibility on parts of DatePicker. The variables they provided were date_picker_header_year & month_view. The style does not have those variables in style [<style name="DatePickerTheme" parent="ThemeOverlay.MaterialComponents.Dialog.Alert">]. Neither did I find these in docs. The code was used.
With OpenAI, was able to resolve the date_picker_header_year, but not for month_view.

The date_picker_header_year code:
[CODE=java]int yearPickerId = Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier("date_picker_header_year", "id", "android");
TextView yearPicker = view.findViewById(yearPickerId);
if (yearPicker != null) {
yearPicker.setContentDescription(getString(R.string.year_picker_content_description, year));

The month_view code:
[CODE]int monthPickerId = Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier("month_view", "id", "android");
TextView monthPicker = view.findViewById(monthPickerId);

This TextView caused a cast error for android.widget.SimpleMonthView. Tried to import it and would not resolve
Tried to capture ViewGroup and walk thru looking for month_view. No go.

Can you tell me how to have reference
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