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  1. D

    Deciding factor for choosing S5 over M8?

    Hi all, As the title says really, and as they are probably the main 2 rivals at the moment: What made you go for the S5 over the M8? Any regrets? Anyone going to exchange? And for what reason? Cheers peeps!
  2. D

    Happy with the S5?

    Hi guys, I see a lot of people comparing the S5 the the M8. I just brought the S5 after a boring/painful experience of owning the iPhone 5S for a few months. (always been on Android before that, just thought I'd see what all the hype was about) I have to say I really happy with the S5...
  3. D

    Do I go to iPhone

    Hi guys, I've had the note 3 for a few weeks now. Don't get me wrong it is a great phone. Thing is I don't use it to full potential and I do find it a little bit too big. I hardly use the s-pen. I've always had androids and when my upgrade was due I just went for what was the best out. So, I'm...
  4. D

    Best Clock/weather wiget?

    Hi guys, Just changed launchers, now I have no clock/weather widget. Didn't realize how much I used it until now. What are you guys using or think is the best and most reliable? Many thanks
  5. D

    Do You Still Love Your S3?

    Hi guys, I see a lot of people on here complaining about their Galaxy S3. For me I'd easily say it's the best device I've had, and believe that iphone has nothing on it. And I'm an android man all the way. I just love how customizable they are, you have to jail break iPhone to get it to do...
  6. D

    Best Launchers For S3

    Hi guys, I'm considering getting away from "touchwizz" Was wondering what the best Launcher to use at the moment is, and really appreciate any recommendations. Thanks guys
  7. D

    just noticed another JELLYBEAN glitch

    Hi guys, wondered if anyone could help. Whilst showing off my S3 and new update. I was showing how we can add and remove home screens. Anyway I managed to add them just fine, but when I went to delete them the phone froze for a sec then a message saying touchwizz had stopped...
  8. D

    Galaxy s3 TOP TIP

    Hi guys, just noticed by accident. when the phone is locked, if you press the "home" key it will take you straight to the unlock screen. then just swipe etc to unlock. If you have S-Voice setup on the unlock screen,you can unlock the phone just by pressing this button a few times. (I disabled...
  9. D

    Help new legend owner, few queries

    hi guys, i've had my legend for about a week now and i love it, the wife don't seem to understand though! anyway just a few things i've just recently downloaded the "advanced task killer free" app. it all seems ok, but someone i know said it's a bad thing for the androids...