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  1. U

    Help contacts saving to googlemail and not phone/sim???

    Hi I have 2 type of contacts on my phone, they are googlemail contacts and sim or phone contacts. Im getting annoyed that whenever i ad a new contact it saves on googlemail account, which i dont want. What i want is contacts to be saved only on phone or sim. How do i completely stop...
  2. U

    best contact managers/organisers?

    looking for contact apps which organise/manage\create\edit contacts on phone\sim.
  3. U

    Help problem organising contacts

    hey when i create a contact i am only given the option to save it under the gmail account or youtube account. I'm not given a choice to save it my phone or sim card. How can i enable this?
  4. U

    Google Voice for UK????

    When is Google Voice coming to the UK? I installed the app but can use it yet.
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    Apps for free mobile sms/texting????

    Is their any app that allows me send local UK text messages for free?
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    Facebook apps

    I have the official facebook app on my x10. However what other facebook app are out there? Is their any that have the widget function, where i can see if i have new message. I hate refreshing every minute on the official facebook app.
  7. U

    Official UEFA european football application compatability

    This application is available for users with certain handsets. They cover Sony Ericsson but not the X10. I was thinking if their is a workaround to get the app for the x10? It's stupid as on the page it displays the x10 phone but they dont cover it. Some web developers get paid losts abut...
  8. U

    Better or worse performance with a task killer?

    I think this is an important poll in relation to the following lekky's article, whch talks about why task killers shouldn't be used in android phones. Android Guide: Should I Use a Task Killer - Droid Den Please do vote and also justify your vote please.
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    In android whats 'custom' shortcuts?

    I just noticed that in the list of home screen shortcuts, next to 'shortcuts' and 'widgets' you also get 'custom shortcuts'. Whats the difference between the normal and custom shortcuts? And if you are familiar with this, how do you use 'custom shortcuts'? Examples/scenarios would be useful.
  10. U

    Huge benefits when combining Quickdesk and Bar Control

    The quick desk and bar control apps are so far my favourite. Previously i had my switches/toggles of wifi/3g/gps/silent/bluetooth on the desktop. Now i have these switches in quickdesk. Thats not all - using the bar control app i can have any shortcuts in my slide down bar. So i just...
  11. U

    best speed camera app?

    Im looking for speed camera for uk roads. Can u recommend any good ones? Is their any which integrate with google maps/navigation?
  12. U

    X10 update R2BA024

    Last night i updated my X10 through the Sony Ericsson PC Companion software that came with the phone. Im with Vodafone. Navigated to 'about phone' and this is the info after the update: ---------------------------------------- Firmware version 1.6 Baseband version 1.1.28 Kernal version -...
  13. U

    need help using juice defender

    Juice defender is a big hit for battery life. However i find it confusing and am unable to underatand it. The layout looks too busy and clutured. How do set it?
  14. U

    Help Playing videos in full and wide screen?

    Just got an x10 I convert and move mpeg4 videos to the phone. The videos play fine however they are not full screen in landscape. Instead in landscape mode they are more square shaped videos. How can i play videos in full wide screen? Please note that i havent downloaded any video/media...
  15. U

    Proximity sensor games???

    can you recommend any games that are played using teh proximity sensors?
  16. U

    Dropbox - what do you use it for?

    What do specifically use dropbox for on your mobile? I have it but am trying to find a concrete use for it with my X10.
  17. U

    Help Desire phone keeps restarting?

    Had the phone for a couple of months. However for the past few weeks the phone has a mind of its own and keeps restarting randomly. Has anyone experienced this problem? Can anyone tell me what the cause of the problem is and how it can be fixed?
  18. U

    Help Turn off default slide unlock screen method?

    I would like to switch off the SE slide lock screen and just keep the android pattern screen lock method. Is it possible to turn of the slide lock screen?
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    Help 1st time battery charge advice?

    Normally i think we are supposed to charge the phone battery for a full 24hrs as soon as we get it. Should i first drain the battery first down to 1% or something first?
  20. U

    Help First few tasks and what to lookout for with new Xperia X10?

    I will be getting my Xperia X10 soon. What advice would you give in terms of when first first turning the phone on? Whats should i lookout for? What tasks should i perform first? Anything to watch out for etc?
  21. U

    Milestone in UK for retal contracts?

    Is any UK network planning to sell the Milestone as a monthly contract?
  22. U

    How do you organise/structure your homescreen.

    I will be soon getting my N1 ad was thinking of the structure of the home screens. Naturally i wont just dump any apps/icons on the screen. Im thinkng of categorising each home screen - media, social/communication/internet/work/ etc. what do you think? Is this how u organise?
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    Uzee - Soon to be Android owner!

    Hey phandroids and soon to be phandroids (like me). I am a soon to be android phone owner. 2 Years ago i was close to getting the G1, however it was too steep and i couldn't afford it. So i settled for a normal Sony Ercisson phone. Since then i have been teased by family members as...
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    First few tasks and what to lookout for with new Nexus One?

    I will be getting my Nexis one soon. What adivce would you give in terms of when first first turning the phone on? Whats should i lookout for? What tasks should i perform first?