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  1. T

    So here's a cover I did! (country content)

    Well, I'm just doing the lead vocals. The backing track and backup vocals are from multiple YouTuber's. So without further ado, here it is. Boys 'Round Here - Blake Shelton https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/477818/Blake%20Shelton%20-%20Boys%20'Round%20Here%20(final).mp3 Let me know...
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    I need some opinions! Verizon/HTC/Samsung content

    So, I've been on T-Mobile for the last half decade. Before 3G came out. Back then, EDGE was fine. Today? Absolutely not. I'm still paying the same amount for data as everyone that gets 4G, and not a single device in use in my phone isn't 4G capable. So, Verizon just put up LTE in my area...
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    I recorded a cover!

    Spent quite some time on this, so I'd appreciate some opinions! Colder Weather, by Zac Brown Band as performed by ME :D I will say, it start off kinda sketchy, and it's better toward the middle. Idk, just enjoy I guess. :) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/477818/Colder%20Weather%20(Zac%20Brown%20Band).mp3
  4. T

    I'm ya Ice Cream Man...

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    Help OTA Gingerbread update *Download link and instructions*

    This is for those who have not gotten the over-the-air Gingerbread update for their MyTouch 4G. First, download the file named PD15IMG.zip from this site and place it on the root of your SD card (meaning not in any folders, just dropped onto the SD card) Then, turn your phone off. Do a...
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    How many photos are in your phone?

    How many pictures have you taken with your Android phone? I don't want to hear about downloaded pictures, those don't count. I was looking through my Gallery and realized I have a pretty large amount of photos taken by the camera. So post how many pictures you've taken! Ready? Here's...
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    any devs around here? have an idea for a launcher.

    If I'm wrong, let me know. So. You can't change the notification bar right? What about hiding the original notification bar, and implementing one into a launcher? That would bring a whole new level of customizability, bring in some money for the devs (I know I'm not the only one who would be...
  8. T

    Did a Weezer cover

    Say It Ain't So, acoustic, with electric lead Everything was one take and not edited in any way http://dl.dropbox.com/u/477818/Weezer%20-%20Say%20It%20Ain%27t%20So.mp3
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    "OTA" Gingerbread update (My thoughts and things I noticed)

    Android 2.3.4, Sense 2.1 Espresso Software Number: 2.19.531.1 Kernel version: htc-kernel@and18-2 #1 Fri Jun 24 19:47:48 CST 2011 Now, let me start by saying I did not receive this over the air (OTA). I found a link to what was believed to be the file for the OTA...
  10. T

    experimental/ambient (new original song of mine)

    Just made this one, give'r a listen. It's called Dreaming. It's about how your sub-conscience knows things that you aren't really aware of. I don't know what it would compare to. I guess Moby or Massive Attack or something along those lines? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/477818/Dreaming.mp3
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    Just had a random good thought

    They need to incorperate a little app into Android that has a "drop count" using the accelerometer, to know how the device has been taken care of. Or a log or something that a third party app could tell you all the times its hit a certain peak force. Nah mean?
  12. T

    New Original song hea'

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/477818/Sun%20Shines%20In%20The%20East.mp3 'scalled Sun Shines In The East
  13. T

    Sublime fans!

    I covered What I Got, so listen. ;) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/477818/What%20I%20Got%20-%20Sublime.mp3
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    Attention Potential Android Users: choosing the right smartphone for you

    Im always seeing threads about choosing the best phone, so I figured I would make a thread to try to clear this issue. I can't guarentee anything with this info. Nothing is perfect, including this thread. Take this all with a grain of salt, but hopefully this guide will help those of you new to...
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    I gave this a shot, with great results

    Short story: my battery cover was starting to look awful. It had spots around the middle, and a few scraches. Then, I got this chip in the paint. Yeah, my heart about sunk. Until I looked and noticed it was a beautiful glossy black with all the same metallic lines and T-Mobile/HTC logo...
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    Root Need some help! (rooting content)

    I cant post on xda in the development section and the mytouch 4g forum is too slow, so im posting here. Im having trouble getting s=off with mytouch 4g. Im permarooted using the visionary method, but it still says s=on. Clockwork wont run, it just goes to the red ! over the phone icon...
  17. T

    Did a cover

    Of Teardrop by Massive Attack Yes, there's a thread for my dubstep version but this is differnt. This is a full cover. So give it a listen. Even though I know you guys won't. lol http://dl.dropbox.com/u/477818/Teardrop%20%28Massive%20Attack%20%5Bfinal%5D%29.mp3
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    Dubstep/Electronic fans!

    I remixed a remix of Teardrop - Massive Attack Lemme know whatcha think! lol http://dl.dropbox.com/u/477818/Teardrop%20%28DuckStep%20Remix%29.mp3 EDIT: And also, I did a partial cover of Teardrop as well that sounds a little more like the original. Sorta. Check it out...
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    Classic Android Launcher

    Anyone know where I could find that? I've searched far and wide with no luck. Basically I just want a launcher that looks like 1.0/1/5/6 Halp! I miss the old-school friendly-looking Android. The new sleek look and everything is great, it's impressive. But it doesn't make you feel all giddy...
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    Help Physical buttons "creak"?

    My menu and back keys make a terrible cheap plastic creaking sound, but they dont if the press with my fingernail on the outside lip part. My home key and genius keys don't Have you guys experienced this problem? It isnt from use, its been like this since I got it.
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    Help Possible to turn Sense off?

    I was reading a thread about a droid eris and turning off the Sense overlay. But, id never heard of doing this. I was wondering if theres a way to do that on a mytouch 4g, and if so, could someone walk me through it? As far as I knew, youd have to root and flash a custom rom to get...
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    How often do you all reboot your device? With my older phones, I would leave it on all the time. Sometimes they got slowed down and such. With my mytouch 4g, I reboot it every day or two. It consistantly runs fast and smooth. A lot of my friends complain about their droid being slow and...
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    Rant about tmobile

    I live in a town with 46,000 people. We have 5 tmobile stores in this town alone. So why is it im still stuck on EDGE? It's getting old - having to use wifi all the - to the point where im about to turn off the internet on my phone. $30 a month for a service that takes over 30 seconds to load...
  24. T

    I made a music!

    This is basically my song "Cave" stripped down a lot and reworked, with a fresh ending. It's called Show Me How http://dl.dropbox.com/u/477818/Show%20Me%20How.mp3
  25. T

    Favorite android setup?

    Now, im just going from screenshots of the nexus s, but im very disappointed by the UI of gingerbread. I like the black notification bar. I dont like the battery icon. Its too green, it looks kinda cheap. The dock bar.. Well I like froyo's dock a lot better. It seems like they tried to...