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  1. ouch1976

    K1 Reviews?

    I've had the K1 for two days now and everything has been great. I've had no freezes, glitches, random reboots, etc. I'm really happy with the device, but I can't help but feel that the K1 gets alot of lousy reviews. Am I reading too much into the reviews? Or do people just complain about every...
  2. ouch1976

    Ideapad K1 Arrived - First impressions are good

    So my Lenovo IdeaPad K1 arrived yesterday and I spent a couple of hours updating the software and testing out the product. Overall, I'm very satisfied. While the device hasn't really "wowed" me, in its defense, there has been no tablet nor iPad that has really "wowed" me. They don't feel like...
  3. ouch1976

    What can't a tablet do?

    If you're not a hardcore gamer, why would you need a super-fast processor in a tablet? In other words, if I were to use a tablet for basic entertainment, wouldn't any Tegra 2 based, 1 gb RAM, 10.1" display device be sufficient? The main uses would be: - Web-surfing - Basic game play (Goo...
  4. ouch1976

    I just ordered the K1 - Hope is doesn't suck...

    I just ordered the IdeaPad K1 from Staples as a late Christmas present to myself and I'm already having buyer's remorse. While the price is right ($280 with free shipping), I'm wondering if this thing stinks? The reviews make it sound like every other Tegra2/Honeycomb tablet built in the past...
  5. ouch1976

    1500 mAh Performance?

    Has anyone tried running their Charge on a 1500 mAh battery? My stock 1600mAh battery is blown 'cause it drains down to 15% in 3 hours of idle time. So I took the 1500 mAh battery out of a Samsung mobile hotspot and it's giving better performance. And since the 1500 is super cheap on Amazon, I...
  6. ouch1976

    Help with the Lingo - Terminology

    I've been reading and watching alot of videos about unlocking, rooting, flashing ROMS, etc, but I'm still confused. So can someone summarize it all for me? What does unlocking the bootloader allow you to do? Do you get super-user permissions? Can you delete pre-loaded apps? Is rooting...
  7. ouch1976


    Can we start a thread to discuss the 2011 Android Tablets. We all know that they are basically the same thing (ie 10.1", Tegra 2, etc) but can we have some input on what you're using and why you chose it? Right now I'm deciding between a Lenovo IdeaPad K1 or the Asus EEE Transformer because...
  8. ouch1976

    Can Someone Explain the Launch Process?

    Supposedly many stores received deliveries last week. Now, there are reports of more deliveries today. Obviously VZW is concerned about something (Wallet? LTE issues? Something unknown?), because other carriers around the world are happily selling the device, while VZW is now. But, if there...
  9. ouch1976

    What's the next big phone (for Verizon)?

    I'm over the RAZR, I don't want a physical keyboard so I don't care about the Droid 4, the Bionic stinks, the Rezound doesn't interest me, and I refuse to buy the GNex because they keep toying with my emotions. So I ask, what is the next killer phone coming out on VZW and when can we expect it...
  10. ouch1976

    Waning Excitement for Galaxy Nexus?

    So, I think that Verizon/Google/Samsung all lost alot of buyers with the screwed up launch of the GNex and now I'm totally dis-interested in the phone. The excitement has passed and the phone is no longer cutting edge to me. This has resulted in my comfort with waiting for a few more months for...
  11. ouch1976

    Reckless Racing Download Problem on Droid X

    Hey - I picked up Reckless Racing for my Droid X this morning, but I'm having trouble downloading the Extra Resource (2/2). The first download took a while to load but eventually kicked in, but the second download is just sitting there. I've uninstalled the app and tried to reinstall it, but I'm...
  12. ouch1976

    RAZR or Incredible 2 for wifey?

    I know these phones are in two, totally different classes, but I want you all to try to compare them for my wife. I used her upgrade recently for a free DInc2 because it takes good pics and it seems fast. Yet, I'm having buyers remorse and I'm now questioning whether I should upgrade her to...