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  1. CrackBaby

    Freeze mobilelife in ICS?

    How do you freeze mobilelife ? I'm thinking about going to stock ICS and freezing a few of the bloatware apps. Atmazzz has a link to several freezable apks for ICS and I don't see mobilelife listed there.
  2. CrackBaby

    USB problem with JB AOKP

    I tried the JB AOKP and the USB connection doesn't work (I was trying to sideload swype keyboard onto the phone). Not feeling up to doing a new rom today, but I would love a suggestion for what to do tomorrow.
  3. CrackBaby

    Next steps for the superwipe and rom?

    Is this how you do it? 1. power off phone 2. hold both volume buttons and power button 3. after vibration, let go of power button but keep holding volume buttons 4. select install zip from sdcard 5. select choose zip from sdcard 6. select Yes - install darkside superwipe 7. go back ...
  4. CrackBaby

    "You need to format this drive" - after doing the backup?

    I got a message from my PC saying I need to format my phone's sdcard. First I rooted my phone using Atmazzz's guide. Next, I followed the instructions within the guide to also do a backup (CWM I think). Then I rebooted the phone and plugged it into my PC. At that point I got a message on my...
  5. CrackBaby

    Help Samsung Drivers - taking long time to connect

    I want to use Atmazz's guide for rooting, but first I think I need to update the Samsung device drivers. I've been having problems with USB ports in general, not sure if that will affect the drivers. I have the orange Kies screen up on my computer and it says "connecting" with the animated...
  6. CrackBaby

    Instagram - do you have to rotate?

    Something that seems kind of weird to me - I've noticed that after I take a picture, Instagram loads it rotated sideways. Do I need to change a setting within Instagram or within the SGS2 settings?
  7. CrackBaby

    Help "My Accounts" t-mo app does not show my data usage

    The bloatware t-mo app called "My Account" app does NOT show data usage like it's supposed to. Does anyone know why? I have reverted to gb from ics so I no longer have the handy infograph in settings.
  8. CrackBaby

    Nervous about ICS (walmart phone)

    I have the walmart t-mobile phone. I got a message saying they want me to update, I assume to ICS from gingerbread, but I'm reluctant to do this. I keep reading some bad reviews about how badly ICS runs on this phone, including some fast battery drains and stuff like that. Also, does foxfi work...
  9. CrackBaby

    Help Self-portrait with 8mp?

    Is there a way to easily take a self-portrait using the 8mp side? Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
  10. CrackBaby

    Where are the mic holes?

    Just wondering where the microphone holes are located. Thanks. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
  11. CrackBaby

    Chrome - can't get rid of page

    I have a webpage that my Chrome keeps autofilling into the omnibar. I do not want to turn off auto fill. I do want to get rid of the page. The page is for a gaming forum. It's not located in bookmarks. I have cleared cache and data twice, yet it keeps popping back up. Sent from my Nexus 7 using...
  12. CrackBaby

    ES Explorer - multi select???

    Wondering if there is a way to select multiple files at a time within a directory, much like using ctrl-mouse on windows. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
  13. CrackBaby

    Simplenote with nexus 7?

    Is simplenote compatible with nexus 7? Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
  14. CrackBaby

    Help Audio for mkv?

    Are y'all getting audio on your mkv files,on your Nexus 7? My mkv audio plays fine on my computer (VLC) but is mute on the Nexus 7 (mxplayer). Help!
  15. CrackBaby

    Help Movie and $25

    I am trying to sell a never-opened Nexus 7 and a potential buyer asked me if the Transformers movie is on the tablet, along with the other extras. (He is U.S. buyer.) I've been looking for an answer to this and am not sure, actually. I found one thread (No 25 dollar credit - Android Forums at...
  16. CrackBaby

    Help Dictionary - where is it

    I need to delete a word that I just added to the dictionary. How do I do this? Thanks!
  17. CrackBaby

    Root Can't find Kindle

    I can't find my Kindle folder. Tried to sync and nothing is coming in. Could rooting have messed with it? Anyone else having issues?
  18. CrackBaby

    Checking in

    I'm looking for a tablet-friendly app that will check in to foursquare, Google+ and Facebook all at once. Anyone know of one? Check in King is incompatible with Nexus 7. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
  19. CrackBaby

    Panoramic pic

    Has anyone played around with the panoramic setting in the modaco camera launcher app? I tried a little bit but don't think I swung it in a big enough arc.
  20. CrackBaby

    Root Rooting for Dummies FAQ?

    Is there a rooting for dummies FAQ? Is there a one or two-click way to do it? As soon as my usbtogo cable arrives from HongKong, I wanna give this a shot.
  21. CrackBaby

    If you think the text is small...

    ..try going to Settings > Accessibility > Large text and put a checkmark there. I don't wear glasses or have any problems seeing, but I found the standard type to be just a wee bit on the small side. Making the text bigger reduces the sexiness of the Nexus 7 but also reduces eye strain just...
  22. CrackBaby

    Help Chrome homepage?

    Such a n00b question...how does one set the homepage in chrome on the Nexus 7? Can't find it. Is it a matter of signing into the chrome account? I'd rather not do that.
  23. CrackBaby

    Data Ideas for Nexus 7

    Just jotting down some ideas for getting data while out and about. Please contribute your suggestions to this thread. If your phone has a data plan, try Foxfi. http://foxfi.com datajack - myfi for $89, 1gig $29 virgin mobile - myfi $99, 2gig/mo $35 walmart - myfi $119, 500mb $25 toast -...
  24. CrackBaby

    Wi fi direct with blu ray

    Has anyone gotten this to work using wi fi direct? My blu ray and the Nexus 7 can see each other and connect, but that's about it. I don't know how to get them to do anything after that. The blu ray doesn't show a list of files or anything -- it just shows a green dot to indicate connection.
  25. CrackBaby

    Help Archived magazine

    I archived the free Esquire magazine, not knowing that it would disappear from the lineup. Where did it go and how do I get it back? I didn't get a chance to read it.