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  1. PitCarver

    What's for dinner ?

    Turned out that the unknown food was indeed spaghetti sauce, so we had spaghetti on Thursday. Last night's meal consisted of cheese toast. I believe that we're going to have bacon biscuits tonight.
  2. PitCarver


  3. PitCarver

    Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

    I DVR most programs that I might like and fast forward through the commercials.
  4. PitCarver

    What's the weather like where you are?

    Comfortable 52 and sunny today.
  5. PitCarver

    What's the weather like where you are?

    No wind this afternoon. Bright clear skies. The sun is warm in the front porch, it's 54° so I'm out enjoying it while I can.
  6. PitCarver

    Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

    I don't have the knowledge or understanding of how to do set up a streaming device. We're still on a cable service. No frills but it does good for me.
  7. PitCarver

    Trump Assassination Attempt #2

  8. PitCarver

    Random Thought Thread

    Well it looks like Google is building its own Skynet. I'm glad, at this point in time, that I'm old and probably won't see the coming dangers that their Willow may cause. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/google-says-quantum-chip-indicates-192059739.html...
  9. PitCarver

    What's for dinner ?

    The wife got out something from the freezer this morning. She said that she's not sure if it's her vegetable soup or spaghetti sauce. (She normally has it labeled) Either way, it'll be awesome. Those are two of my favorite things that she makes, so I'll be a happy camper.
  10. PitCarver

    Random Thought Thread

    I'm staying home on Friday.
  11. PitCarver

    What's the weather like where you are?

    Your forecast sounds a lot like mine. It's a pleasant 56° here, right now, but there's a steady cold breeze that's supposed to bring us down to 31° by morning. I'm out on the front porch enjoying it while I am able.
  12. PitCarver

    Random Thought Thread

    NBC. A far right wing newsletter? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/2-children-wounded-gunman-dead-shooting-california-school-rcna182946
  13. PitCarver

    What's the weather like where you are?

    Light rain and 69°, here.
  14. PitCarver

    Random Thought Thread

    I wonder why the media isn't reporting this? https://pjnewsletter.com/christian-children-media-california/?utm_source=dedramp&utm_medium=email
  15. PitCarver

    Gas prices?

  16. PitCarver

    What's for dinner ?

    The wife brought home some Arby's, for supper last night, and a couple of Walmart subs, for tonight.
  17. PitCarver

    Gas prices?

    This is true, but explain that to the kids nowadays. Schools dropped many important classes over the years like economics and civics.
  18. PitCarver

    Gas prices?

    My oldest was trying to equate prices now vs when we were here age and how much better we had it. I told her that my first job paid something a little bit over a dollar and hour. My first truck had an interest rate of 18%. 25 years ago I retired from a $30,000 job. New hires at several pay...
  19. PitCarver

    Gas prices?

    I remember gas wars. Try to explain those to the current generation. Back in the 70's I managed a convenience store and we kept our gas prices 2¢ less than our nearest 2 competitors.
  20. PitCarver

    What's for dinner ?

    It's pizza party night with my granddaughter.
  21. PitCarver

    Gas prices?

    You are old...lowest I can remember is 35¢.
  22. PitCarver

    Verizon - Samsung Messages

    I think I'll stay with Textra. At least until something better comes around.
  23. PitCarver

    Christmas 2024

    I'm thinking that me and the Boss Lady will spend Christmas morning just the two of us. We'll head to church for the Christmas Eve service. There used to be a Chinese restaurant that we would visit every year when my parents were living and we'd sit and talk until closing. All gone now though...
  24. PitCarver

    What's the weather like where you are?

    Don't know what the weather is everywhere else but it's 62° and breezy here at my spot on this rock. Supposed to only get up to 42° tomorrow so I'm enjoying it while I can.
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