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  1. NoShftShck16

    Help What am I looking at?

    My friend dropped my Incredible yesterday and shattered the front screen. I got the phone the day it came out and must have gotten a piece of a good batch. I've had no problems and have loved the phone. Unfortunately, I don't have insurance... What am I looking at here? A $500 dollar expense...
  2. NoShftShck16

    Root Partitioning SD Card

    Can someone help me with partition my SD card? I have APPS2SD installed but it wont partition it, neither will ROM Manager. I have Windows7 and Ubuntu 10.4. If it can be done with just the phone I'd prefer that method, then the Ubuntu method, then Windows (i hate the command prompt in Win)...
  3. NoShftShck16

    Root Skyraider warning

    Warning about SkyRaider from UnrEVOked on Twitter to all DINC owners A warning: the SkyRaider for the inc has a higher then average chance of causing "USB bricked" devices, we will try to work on a fix.
  4. NoShftShck16

    Root Did you know...

    Very random topic... Did you know that when you flash a new ROM or turn on your phone for the first time and you are setting up your keyboard, it will not allow you to type the words correctly. If you type all the letters right, it will screw up the last one, on purpose, to display the...
  5. NoShftShck16

    Root Help w/ Apps2SD

    I can't find any answers anywhere I am using CM6t8. I go to the ROM manager and hit partition SD for App storage. I heard 512MB for size and 0 for swap is the way to go but nothing confirmed. Then it shoots me to the recovery screen, what do i do here? my sd-ext wont mount... Please help...
  6. NoShftShck16

    Help w/ Apps2SD

  7. NoShftShck16

    Help Droid X Keyboard Force Closing on Rooted DINC

    Anybody have any ideas? SkyRaider 1.9 Beta The keyboard refuses to open...
  8. NoShftShck16

    Help LauncherPro Plus

    Someone please help me pay for this thing? I'm a little jacked up on caffeine at work and only have a limited amount of time to research. But from the lunch hour I just wasted away, I couldn't find anything. Thanks in advance.
  9. NoShftShck16

    Root ClockWorkMod Rom Manager

    Sorry, more n00b questions... Installed Free & Paid ROM Manager from Market and allowed for Ads (wanna support you guys as much as I can) 1. How do I actually flash a new ROM? -I think I installed it correctly but would someone mind going over the process? 2. Why do I only see...
  10. NoShftShck16

    Root Flashing a New Rom / Bloatware

    Will flashing a new rom remove bloatware??
  11. NoShftShck16

    Root Linux + UnrEVOked3

    I'm looking for a few answers on how to do the painless root on Ubuntu 1. Download unrEVOked3 for Linux (check) 2. What now? (be descriptive) Do I literally just connect the phone and double-click the file in the tar.gz?
  12. NoShftShck16

    A Thanks to Phandroid

    I just wanted to give out a thanks to Phandroid/Android Forums. I've had my Incredible since the release date and I haven't been happier with it. But this forum is half the reason I love this phone so much. Phandroid.com was almost literally my sole resource for researching this phone. Allll...
  13. NoShftShck16

    Help Control the DINC from a computer

    On my old Omnia, I could plug it into my PC or Linux box and pull up a little window the exact size of the screen and control everything with my mouse. Launch apps, play games, browse the internet...anything I could normally do on the phone. It was awesome for getting away with sending...
  14. NoShftShck16

    What phone did you come from? Favorite Company?

    I'm been realizing there are quite a few people who came from the Omnia to the DINC. At the time I thought I screwed up getting the Omnia (since it was abandoned so quickly by Verizon) So I ask you guys, what phone did you come from? Whats been your favorite phone maker? Favorite phone to date...
  15. NoShftShck16

    Applications Drawer

    Did anyone else realize that after hitting the up arrow to view applications you can grab the top and slide it down (opposite of the notifications drawer) Just found that out today, kinda cool
  16. NoShftShck16

    Help Sense UI + Landscape View

    Ok I am not sure how this happened but my Sense is showing up in landscape mode (didn't even think this was possible). It glitches out trying to sweep through the screens and while 'leap'ing. Also, the touch screen is responding as if it was in portrait... Can Sense UI go landscape? Has...
  17. NoShftShck16

    Help Performance Apps

    So after reading some articles that referenced some apps to back up their findings (ie. N1 multi-touch issue, EVO fps issue). I wanted to know if there were other apps like these that show off/analyze performance/features/issues/etc. MultiTouch Visible Test - self explanatory FPS2D - runs...
  18. NoShftShck16

    Android Gingerbread

    There has been been the announcement for Android's Next release after Froyo Think Verizon will wait to update the INC with Gingerbread? What about rooting? How quick do you think they will patch yet another new version to the INC? Google isn't giving the developers any time to get up and...
  19. NoShftShck16

    Root Organized Root Threads

    When (not trying to be pushy but I'm wondering if there is a plan) kitchens and cookers become more common for the Incredible are we going to see ROM threads, Cook threads and so on? I came from WinMo and OmniaRoms.com was my basecamp for flashing because of the way it was organized. Each...
  20. NoShftShck16

    Help DoubleTwist & Ubuntu

    Anybody else using Ubuntu and trying to get DoubleTwist?? I successfully downloaded and installed through WINE but it isn't launching :confused: EDIT: We should get specific threads for Linux/Android, MAC/Android. I feel like Android should be as compatible with Linux as WinMo is with...
  21. NoShftShck16

    Rooting the DINC

    So with all the recent news over rooting over at XDA and here at Phandroid, I have a question to ask all of you... I don't think I will. Someone over at XDA, when responding to the root issue, made a really good point. HTC has been making Incredible phones, pun intended, and I feel like I am...
  22. NoShftShck16

    Help Remote into Phone from Computer

    So I've been scrolling around the forums and I am looking for an app, I guess for a PC/MAC/Linux that will allow me to remote into my phone. I had a WinMo Omnia before getting the DINC and I have to admit that was probably my favorite app on the phone. I used to for a number of things ranging...
  23. NoShftShck16

    NEED HELP - Exchange/Outlook

    I got my outlook to push to my phone but i can only see the inbox folder in the HTC mail widget. is there a way that i could specify a different folder or view all of them without having to go in and select a folder? or a different app/widget?
  24. NoShftShck16

    FriendStream Issue

    Has anybody else realized you can't click on Twitter Links in FriendStream?? The only way I found is to click on the particular tweet which then lands you back at the top of your twitter feed making you scroll all the way to the tweet you were on to then click on the link. Same issue with...
  25. NoShftShck16

    Must-Have Apps

    I wanted to ask everyone's opinion on what you think are some of the best/coolest/most useful apps to have. If its paid, put the price. Advanced Task Killer Car Panel (comes with it) Compass Google Goggles (any one know where there is an overview of all the features of this??) Shazam (if...
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