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  1. R

    Screen turns on after fully charged

    After installing Jelly Bean and then doing a factory reset my screen now turns on when my phone is fully charged. It will turn off as long as I uncheck the "Stay Awake" box, but I'd rather it didn't turn on at all. Firstly, does this happen to everyone? I'm pretty sure my phone never used...
  2. R

    Can't change my ringtone, factory reset?

    My phone has been acting pretty funky ever since I installed Jelly Bean. Then just a little while ago my phone played a ringtone I've never heard before, but I had no notifications or missed calls or anything like that. While trying to figure out what it was I noticed all of my ringtones...
  3. R

    Playlists Keep Disappearing

    I've been loading m3u playlists onto my phone from my computer and storing them in the "Playlists" folder right under the SD Card. But for some reason though, they keep disappearing. I thought maybe it was because I cleared the cache or cleared the data of my music player, but then it happened...
  4. R

    Help Google Maps Battery Drain?

    My phone says Google Maps has accounted for 19% of my battery drain, yet I haven't even opened it since I took it off my charger this morning. The last time I used it was last night very briefly. I checked and I'm not signed into Latitude, I've never even used it. The only thing I...
  5. R

    Turn off Mobile Data during sleep?

    I know you can do this for wifi but can't you do it for mobile data? My old droid did this and it was great, it wouldn't chew through battery and I didn't have to turn it off and on all the time manually. Or at the very least are there any free apps that do this?