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  1. P

    Help Menu Key Issue

    Hey Guys, I have a problem with the menu key where every once in awhile when I press this key the phone goes nuts. It selects a particular icon on my screen like I'm holding the screen but won't let me use the touchscreen at all. While this is happening if I press any other key the phone just...
  2. P

    Thank you

    Hey Everyone, I just wanted to say thank you for all your help since I bought my Eris. I just ordered the DX2. This forum helped me turn my crappy little Eris into endless hours of enjoyment and experimentation with all of the various roms available. So in conclusion, l8r dudes.
  3. P

    Root 2.2 performance and JIT

    I've always had a problem with poor performance with the 2.2 Cyanogen roms. They run fine for a day or two then poof they run like crap. Well when I install nonsensikal 15.2 I decided to turn off JIT and what do you know its running great now for several days. Has anyone else noticed this with 2.2?
  4. P

    Root [ROM][GPL] CELB Froyo 3.6(New governor and loop support added )11-9-10

    The changes to this rom really make it snappy. V3.6 Since were changing kernels here a dalvik-wipe is a good idea. Data wipe should not be needed. Resynced with cmsource as always added new CFSv8 kernel which has lots of improvements mainly the "smartass" governor also some updates to the...
  5. P

    How Amazon MP3 saved the day

    So I'm at my brother in law's wedding over the weekend and the wedding music cd was basically destroyed. Everyone else had iphone's which didn't have the 3.5 connector to play through the chappel's speaker system. On top of that we were kind of in the middle of no where so their 3g signals were...
  6. P

    Root Finally Rooted and OC'd!!!

    Sorry was just so happy I finally took the plunge. I've decided to stay with my stock Rom for now as I do like Sense UI but I wanted to Overlock so bad. The instructions on this forum made it a breeze.