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Search results

  1. tiny_bits

    i'm looking for an app that...

    hi I'm looking for a wishlist gifts app. this app can let me create a wishlist of things I want but cannot buy for myself right now. (let's call it "my gift wishlist") let's say I have a birthday next week. my friends and family can get a notification of my upcoming birthday and show them...
  2. tiny_bits

    call rejection by group filter app

    hello under: settings -> call rejection -> auto reject list I see I can enter a pattern or a contact, but not a group. I want to add my "co-workers" group there because after 19:00 - I don't want them to reach me, and if I just don't answer - they'll know I'm sitting there and not answering...
  3. tiny_bits

    how can I get a better gps reception / singal?

    Hi due to circumstances I cannot use internet connection ("mobile data" or "wi fi") when I'm on the road to get a GPS lock and can rely ONLY on my GPS sensor to get my position. it sometimes take more than 20 minutes for it to get my location (without internet). what can I do to improve that...
  4. tiny_bits

    Help protective case with screen protection for samsung galaxy S2

    hi I've seen a lot of protective cases, but I'm interested in a protective case that has something going over the phone's screen. I need something that will protect the screen in a case it falls face down on a set of keys with the keys in the center of the screen. example of what I am looking...
  5. tiny_bits

    should I install flash on my android ?

    hi I got smasung galaxy s2 with android 4.1.2 a few sites i'm surfing to using the default installed browser have flash and I need that to work for me. is installing flash a "no no" ?
  6. tiny_bits

    any must have "keep my anroid safe" apps ?

    hey I've done some reading and know I should not to login to sensitive stuff on public wi fi's , not to install apps with over giving permissions or crappy reviews or from crappy sites... but other than that: should I be installing any app that can keep my phone protected from spyware...
  7. tiny_bits

    how do I add a group to my "auto reject list" ?

    hello under settings -> call rejection -> auto reject list I see I can enter a pattern or a contact, but not a group. I want to add my "co-workers" group there but can't see how that can be done ?
  8. tiny_bits

    camera capturing text translating app

    Hi I need an application that can use the camera to capture something in front of me, written in Arabic,(like a sign for example) and translate it to English. instead of me typing in the text in Arabic or speaking it to the phone. is there such an app ?
  9. tiny_bits

    new to Android

    hi ! I decided to join this century and buy a (don't laugh, I know it's not a new device) samsung galaxy s2 i9100 and it's the first time I'm using a smartphone, I mean one that has internet (again, please don't laugh....) and now I'm meeting this cute little guy, mr. Android and trying to...