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  1. katztech

    Help LG G3 will not play itunes mp3 in any file manager

    Brand "new to me" LG G3 will not play itunes mp3's in any file manager. Two issues here: 1) I cannot drag & drop an itunes file/podcast/etc. to the sd card in the LG as I could with my previous smartphones. My workaround is to drag it to the desktop first, then from the desktop to the sd...
  2. katztech

    Help Cannot install a keyboard on Hydro Elite

    Very odd - I've been installing a ton of apps with no issues at all. However, I am attempting to install a couple of keyboard apps and they will not install. All that shows up in the "input" settings of the phone is the Kyocera & Google keyboard. Any ideas on how to accomplish this? :confused:
  3. katztech

    Smartphone noob

    Hi! Just picked up my first smartphone, Kyocera Hydro Elite. Having loads of fun downloading the endless amount of free apps available! Recently discovered geocaching & am loving it! Looking forward to becoming a part of this community. Cheers, katztech :)