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Search results

  1. S

    What should I move to SD card?

    Hello, My memory is running low and I've plenty of space on the SD card. What (and how) should I move to the SD card to clear up my memory? Suggestions would be appreciated.
  2. S

    Launcher options Any body still here on the Q continuum?

    Just wondering if any one is still out there on the forum. Quiet forum isn't the word for it. I've played around with Themer , EverythingMe and Nova Launcher . Working up to separate opinions about each of them compared to home. Anyone else tried something they liked? For the heck of it , I...
  3. S

    Part of the Q continuum

    Hello, I've had the Photon Q since July and though I had it replaced because the support people at the local Sprint office didn't know what was wrong with it , I've loved it from the start. When they gave me a new one from the factory , so new phone same model, it was even BETTER than the first...