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  1. atrain311

    keyboard help

    Samsung Galaxy Note 4: Unboxing & Review: Samsung Galaxy Note 4: Unboxing & Review - YouTube At minute 32, the reviewer shows options for the Samsung keyboard that I cannot find on my phone. Am I missing something? I'm on Verizon if that matters. Thanks.
  2. atrain311

    Using Moto 360 with different devices

    A factory reset of the watch did the trick. Wanted to avoid that, but it's not the end of the world.
  3. atrain311

    Using Moto 360 with different devices

    My note 4 will not find and pair with my watch. Coincidentally, I was setting up my note 4 when I got the notification to update, so I don't know if this is a watch or phone issue.
  4. atrain311

    Help Moto 360 System Update thread

    I don't have the update yet either, but with a brand new Note 4 waiting for me at home sent via Fed Ex, I'm less worried about the watch. :D
  5. atrain311

    Help Moto 360 System Update thread

    Still no way to make the face stay on just a smidgen longer yet, huh? Not the end of the world, I just like to gaze at its beauty while it's on. :)
  6. atrain311

    Note 4 Accessories...

    As someone who always buys an external charger and backup battery for my phones, I was hoping to create a one-stop thread for all things Note 4 accessory-wise. If you find links to any accessories, please feel free to post them here. This can range from cases, to s-pens, to batteries, to...
  7. atrain311

    Note 4 commercial

    During my Sunday ritual (watching football) I saw a fantastic commercial for the N4. It was taking very relevant shots at the new iPhone claiming it's basically a note 2 without a stylus. Regardless, I'm happy to see marketing. Sign of good things to come.
  8. atrain311

    If you were in my shoes...

    Hi all, I respect this community enough to ask for your input. By now we know there is a debate of whether the N4 is that much better than the N3 and to be honest with you, I love my N3 and would just keep it, but... Each time I upgrade, which is usually every year, my wife is the...
  9. atrain311

    Help Gear advice

    Hello all. I know this might not specifically be the best place to post this, but you've always done right by me, so I'm giving it another try. My birthday is this week and through my little daughter I found out my wife was planning on getting me the gear. While I know you should never look a...
  10. atrain311

    Phandroid app

    I'm sorry to ask this, as I asked it on the day of the phone's release, but I've got to try again. Does anyone use the Phandroid app? And if so, when you do a battery swap or battery pull are you left with the Phandroid icon in your notification bar? I do and I have to clear it every time by...
  11. atrain311

    Help Keyboard Assistance, please

    Hi everyone. I hope you are all enjoying your wonderful devices. I have a question that I have a feeling I know the answer to but thought it was worth a shot to ask. I have tried many keyboards and really like quite a few. I could use Swype with Dragon or Swiftkey Beta all day for their...
  12. atrain311

    S Pen tip...

    Does anyone know if you can get a tip for your s pen that is more like the one from the note 2? Not that I'm giving up on the new one, I just sort of miss how slick the one from the 2 felt.
  13. atrain311

    WiFi after exchanging phones?

    If you had the WiFi curse that's plaguing some of the now 3s and tried exchanging your phone, did it help? I'm only asking because I'm not going to exchange this one for another if the new one is going to have the same issue. Summer are saying that Samsung will put out a fix, some are saying...
  14. atrain311

    External battery charger...

    I'm really surprised there aren't OEM battery chargers available. When I got my gnex on day one there were a ton of accessories available. I know eBay and Amazon have some knock offs, but the reviews I read said the external chargers were a hassle because they are universal and not...
  15. atrain311

    Help "Phandroid is running"...help

    Phandroid is running is being shown in my notification bar and cannot be removed the second I use the Phandroid app. I can clear cache and so on, which will temporally work, but as soon as I go back into the app, it's there again.
  16. atrain311

    Talking Browser

    Can anyone help me? I'm wondering why my default browser is speaking to me. Also, has anyone gotten floating notifications to work on the note 3?
  17. atrain311

    Gear commercial

    During the giants game, I just saw the first Samsung GALAXY Gear commercial. Very clever. Edit: Yes, bring on the giants stink comments. They deserve it. :-(
  18. atrain311

    S Note question/help

    As in mentioned in another post, I use the s pen and s note religiously at work. With that being said, do you think I'll have a problem bringing over s notes from my note 2 to my note 3? Is that even possible? And if so, can you inform me how?
  19. atrain311

    Gorilla Glass or not?

    I'm sorry if this has been confirmed or not, but I was just reading this article: http://www.gottabemobile.com/2013/09/20/samsung-galaxy-note-3-release-date-tips/ And it says it IS gorilla glass. It even says don't use a screen protector.
  20. atrain311

    Speaker compared to S3?

    I own the note 2 and my wife the s3. She got me into the habit of using our phones for Pandora in the mornings while we prepare for work. I've noticed that without a doubt, her s3 is significantly louder than my note 2. Has anyone noticed anything similar? Does anyone know how the speaker on...
  21. atrain311

    How can I be sure of my pre order...?

    I spoke with a rep for forty five minutes last Sunday, agreed on the edge program to pre order the note three. I've looked on the my Verizon site for confirmation but can't find where it is hidden. Any help?
  22. atrain311

    Apps to sd card

    I did do a search, but it yielded a good deal on the s4, not the Note 2... Are we able to move apps to the sd card? I've put a lot of time into apps like timerrific and would love to keep the data. Thanks in advance.
  23. atrain311

    Deep Sleep percentage?

    Hi all. I'm sorry of this has been asked but I'm wondering what is considered a good percentage for your battery to be in "deep sleep?“ I'm only getting about forty percent or so and I've notice my phone appears to be awake a lot according to the stock battery app. I cannot figure out which app...
  24. atrain311

    Elusive Flip cover...

    Hi Phandroid Friends, So, I know the topic of flip cover or not is a hot one, but I'm not meaning to go down that road. I am a flip cover lover and have two at the moment to keep my aesthetics fresh. :) However, I do need some help... In a screen shot of when they were releasing the Note...
  25. atrain311


    Hi all, As I've mentioned on here, I'm in love with my new Note 2 and tonight I convinced my wife to get an S3 (the note was too large for her) but she really liked the Samsung experience of my phone. Well, now that we are both using phones that have NFC, how exactly do we two to transfer pics...
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