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  1. CaptainObvious

    Help How can i use my deactivated droid 2 as a wifi device?

    I have an old droid 2 i'd like to give to my daughter, but i can't seem to do anything with it. A long time ago i was going to sell it so i did a factory reset, but the person i was going to sell it to didn't show up so i just kept it. Now whenever i turn it on it only gives me the option to...
  2. CaptainObvious

    Got my rezound wet and am now stuck in infinite boot loop: HELPPPP!

    Walked outside in the rain today with the phone in my pocket. Thought my pockets didn't get too wet, but when i got home my phone just kept restarting over and over again. Is there anything i can do? This makes me sad! What the hell do i do on the toilet without angry birds?
  3. CaptainObvious

    Root HTC unlocking bootloaders for all phones made after sep 2011

    Just thought i'd throw this out there since i was browsing phonedog and android central. Looks like s-off isn't too far away! "Got a newer HTC-made Android device whose bootloader you'd like to unlock? We've got some good news for you today, as HTC has announced on its HTCDev website that all...
  4. CaptainObvious

    Will the stock browser be smoother with ice cream sammy?

    I'm a little shocked sometimes when the stock browser on my rezound is, lag and smoothness wise, on the same level as my old thunderbolt. Pinch to zooming, scrolling, tapping. The lag is just confusing considering the power of this phone. Then i see the nexus. A phone with similar power and...
  5. CaptainObvious

    "Keystroke logger found in...HTC phones tracking your every move"

    I'm not too worried about my privacy seeing as how i don't do anything questionable on my phone, but i think people do have a right to be upset about this considering nobody was ever told this was even going on in the first place. What do you HTC-ers think? "A security researcher has posted a...
  6. CaptainObvious

    Any gadget addicted users think they could keep this for 2 years?

    I have an issue with phones. I don't know if there's some void i'm trying to fill in my life or if i'm trying to live out my fantasies of being in star trek, but when a new one comes out even with a small incremental barely even useful uprade, i jump on it. From the eris to the droid 2 to the...
  7. CaptainObvious

    Has anybody loaded golauncherex on it?

    Just wondering for a couple reasons. 1) Some have complained about a slight lag and feel this may be due to sense. Would be interesting to see if the lag went away wth golauncher and 2) i have a thunderbolt and just jumped on the golauncher train a month ago and am loving the hell out of it. If...
  8. CaptainObvious

    Love my bolt so much i'm buyin another one! Help me shop

    So, as opposed to everyone else who can't wait to get rid of their bolt for whatever slightly upgraded phone they pay full retail for, i love the crap out of mine. And my girlfriend is taking notice. So i'm on a mission to go out and buy a used bolt on craigslist for her. I've never bought...
  9. CaptainObvious

    Ever feel like posting out of boredom? I sure do: new lower quadrant scores

    Now i know people always say to take quadrant scores with a gigantic grain of salt, but this is a little confusing. Pre update, my phone got between 1700 and 1900. Now after the second Ginger update? 1390. Every single time. Yet with widget locker and go launcher loaded on there ...
  10. CaptainObvious

    So, my phone decided to protect me from my own pictures/videos

    By adding drm protection to my own stuff. Oddly enough, only on the pictures and videos i took of my mom when she came for a visit. Thanks thunderbolt. I didn't want to see pictures of my mom holding up her cat pictures anymore anyway. Old lady gets way too serious about her cats
  11. CaptainObvious

    Anyone ever use the "HTC mail" app that came with sense?

    Up until now, i've been straight gmail. Gmail address, gmail app. Perfect. Goes hand in hand. But i needed to get my xbox notifications at my hotmail address so i gave the htc mail app a try. Pretty cool for all of the 10 minutes i've used it. Loads entire messages + pictures without me having...
  12. CaptainObvious

    How long will you keep your bolt?

    Just got done proclaiming my undying love for my bolt in another thread and i thought i'd jump in here and slather it with a little more. Up until my bolt, i've been a new phone every few months kinda guy. There was just always something that bugged me about whatever phone i had. My lg dare...
  13. CaptainObvious

    Help Problem with my bolt: deal with it or do something about it?

    Up until this happened my bolt has been perfect. So to have this happen after a few months of worry free fun sucks. When i take video, it will periodically skip/drop frames. Let's just say i take a 1 minute video. at the 17 second mark, the audio will still be going but the picture will...
  14. CaptainObvious

    Switched off wifi for a week and only used 4g. A gig and a half used. Thanks unlimited data!

    That little 4g icon popped up in my notification bar a couple weeks ago. Out of sheer curiousity, i switched off wifi for a week and used 4g exclusively at home to get an idea of what i'd be paying if i didn't get locked in unlimited data at just the right time. Looks like at this pace, i'd hit...
  15. CaptainObvious

    Yes, the update fixed the sound issue (test video included)

    Just thought i'd clutter the forum with another thread. Recording video after the update is like a night and day difference. If this is all the update did, i would've been happy. Check the vid YouTube - HTC Thunderbolt sound test: Did update fix volume issue?
  16. CaptainObvious

    Is there an app that will alert when battery is charged?

    There was an app i always loved when i had the iphone and i can't seem to find the equivalent on android. I think it was called "battery magic" and there was a setting where when the battery was charged, it would play a ringtone to alert you your phone is all done. Does android have anything...
  17. CaptainObvious

    Help I've tried everything. You're my last hope android forums. Apps won't install from market

    I've googled around and tried everything i can think of to fix this. Long story short, i had a bug with my camera, so i did a factory reset to try and fix it. Well, it's fixed, but now that i tried to resetup my phone and download all my apps, it says "download unsuccessful" for every single...
  18. CaptainObvious

    Is it smart for me to buy a thunderbolt now? Is it outdated?

    I'm really itching for a new phone. I love my droid 2 to death, but the only reason i bought it last august was because the droid x's backorder was a month long wait and i couldn't wait that long, so i settled for the droid2. There's not a single thing i don't like about my phone really. It's...
  19. CaptainObvious

    Help Why is the battery meter in increments of 10?

    This is the one thing that grinds my gears about this phone. I downloaded battery widget and the battery meter goes in increments of 10. Not 93% battery life, 90. Not 72%, 70. Is there a setting to make the battery display the exact life left or is this it? Kind of annoying.
  20. CaptainObvious

    Help app stoage

    When I download apps, is it saving to the 8 gigs of built in memory or the 512 mb of ramromthing?
  21. CaptainObvious

    Am i being ridiclous? Droid 2 OVER the X?

    Why hello all you sexy people I'm rocking a droid eris right now. Not "rocking" in the sense where i'm rockin out and lovin it, "rocking" as in it's like a big rock in my hand. I was so set on getting the X but this backorder just pisses me off. I have the money now and i want to upgrade now...
  22. CaptainObvious

    I apologize for this super nooby question

    Haven't even thought about actually buying any apps until now. There's a few things that i want to get but my question is this...i have eris now. If i buy a couple apps, and then switch phones to something like a Droid x in a month, do i keep my paid apps? Like tied to my google account or...
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