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  1. highwayman1224

    Missing Icons

    Bought the Sprint Tab on Fri, & am really liking it! That being said, every time I power it back on if I turn it off, my Dolphin HD icon & Angry Birds icon disappeares from my home screen & I have to add them on again. Not really a big deal, but does anyone else see missing icons when powering...
  2. highwayman1224

    sprint insurance

    Bought a Sprint version of the Galaxy Tab last night at Bestbuy & called Sprint just now to add insurance to it. Guess what? They don't offer insurance for it!! WTF? You can get insurance on a $20 cellphone but not a $600 tab? Unbelievable.
  3. highwayman1224

    Help printing texts?

    Is there any way to print texts? I've tried emailing them to myself, but it doesn't show the # of the person that sent it. I'm taking my ex wife to court & would like to bring in copies of our texts instead of my phone.